Part Twenty Seven/Last: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings





“For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess, I’m suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star. Maybe I’m not leaving; maybe I’m going home”



This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty Two & Twenty Three discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. Part Twenty Four, Twenty Five & Twenty Six discussed direct/ indirect encounters with Djinns. We discuss methods of un-hooking in this last post of the series.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings



This is going to be the last part of the series. I would urge the readers to read all the previous parts but for those who are short on time, here is the summary of the main points covered.


-Human beings are the only sentient 3rd dimensional beings in this whole universe found exclusively on this planet earth.

-The other sentient beings less powerful than the humans are called Djinns.

-Djinns, belong to the 4th dimensional world and this universe is teeming with them

-There are no aliens dying to visit planet earth. Djinns are trying their best to deceive us into misunderstanding.

-There are no UFOs able to transverse the vast spaces in this universe. The UFOs we see are actually the anti-gravity flying ships built by the Atlanteans (Humans) operated by the Djinns.

-A group of powerful Djiins called Reptilian Aliens (‘Yosh’) rebelled against the ‘Master of the Universe’ at the time of creation of ‘Humans’. The group of Reptilians Aliens is headed by the immortal ‘Draco’.

-Draco, Reptilian Aliens and their followers are working on the three pronged agenda to disrupt, distract and drain humans

-The energy emitted by the human specially the ‘negative’ energy is the food and sustenance for ‘Djinns’

-In order to get the continuous supply of this energy, Djinns hook humans

-Humans cannot be hooked unless and until they have invited ‘Reptilian Aliens and Djinns into their lives

-The ghosts we see, the supernatural creatures we see are mostly the unconscious creation of Humans. We fear the demons of our own creation, called ‘Self-willed ‘Point of Time’ Self Replicas’

-Energy Sucking Human Vampires, Poltergeist Phenomena and genuine case of ‘Possession’, require un-hooking the humans from the demonic/diabolical/Reptilian influence.


There are two methods to un-hook the Humans from the Demonic influence.



First Method to un-hook the humans from the Demonic Influence


This is performed by a person commonly called ‘Exorcist’/’Practitioner. It is especially useful in the cases where the affected person is unable to do something for himself to make things better,


The Practitioner acts as an energy vessel. Drawing energy from the atmosphere, breathing, food and stabilizing influence from the earth.


A practitioner while standing, places first and second fingers of both hands simultaneously on the temples of the one who is affected and utters a sentence which is meant for the human as well as the demon.


The moment the fingers touch the temples, the person affected is un-hooked. Next 5 days are important. The ‘demon’ tries to get even with the practitioner in order to again hook the person cured.


Following are the ways.


The person affected asks for forgiveness. Do not forgive him for 5 days.

The person affected asks your permission to enter the room in which you are present. Ignore him.

The person affected wants to give something to you. Don’t touch his hands. Ask him to place the thing on a nearby table or bed.

The person affected wants you to give him something. Do not give him in his hands. Place it on nearby place and ask him to pick it up.


After 5 days, the Djinns/Reptilian aliens/Demons, are bound to leave the affected person forever, up to time, when the person affected starts repeating those acts which had initially invited the ‘Reptilian Alien/Djinn/Monster.


Hands of the practitioner are very important. Wash them before starting the exorcism and wash them again when the process is over.


The practitioner needs to have an energized pair of hands and a very limp wrist which is not an obstruction to the outflow of energy.


The practitioner needs to walk barefoot most of the time.


High mountains and isolated places energize the healer/Practitioner. Places close to sea are not conducive to regain/energizing.


A practitioner should not charge more than the price equivalent to 1 gram of the 24K gold. Free work is appreciated. Exorcism should not be undertaken to have free sex or molestation/harassment of the females. The exorcism should be conducted in the presence of one family member of the ‘Patient’.



Second Method to un-hook the humans from the Demonic Influence


The second method to un-hook the human from the Demonic influence is the actual reason for writing of this whole series.


The best was reserved for the very last. I have been honest in all the posts but I would be extra cautious in last few paragraphs. It is not going to be poetry. Read carefully.


What is the greatest gift a ‘Human’ can give to the ‘Master of the Universe’?


What is the greatest gift which makes ‘Master of the Universe’ emotional. And he shows it to all the angles assembled in his presence.



The equivalent word for it in Arabic is ‘Tauba’.


If a former sinner, feels guilty, wants to seek forgiveness and he genuinely means it.


He ‘Repents’.


The moment he ‘Repents’. He is immediately un-hooked from any diabolical influence and those hooks return back to ‘Draco’, in the form of lashes on his face. The face of ‘Draco’, is scarred, not because of old age but for those lashes he received from humans who sincerely ‘Repented’.


‘Repentance’, when it stems from the heart and meant sincerely, is the prettiest and valuable thing in whole of the ‘Universe’. Of course the person repenting should not repeat those acts for which asked for forgiveness.


Revolution in Russia, in my humble opinion did not happen because that country wanted to get rid of ‘Materialism’. At that time a certain minor sect was gaining hold.


The teachings of that sect were simple. It valued a ‘Sinner’, because a sinner can truly repent. And by repenting, not only a transformation takes place in his life but it affects positively those who belong to his circle.


‘Rasputin’, was the biggest proponent of this sect. The dark forces killed him with difficulty. His name has been scandalized just to draw attention away from his teachings. All the media and books are rampant with the supposed sexual orgies of ‘Rasputin’, the greatest saint of the modern times.


That’s how much ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, hate and fear that person who eulogizes the ‘Repentance’.


When I started the series, I thought that only 2 or 3 posts would be sufficient. But it had life of its own. I have tried to cover all things necessary to the understanding of the ‘Djinns’, but if I had written all what I knew, the series would have never ended.


I have been adequately and graciously compensated by the ‘Master of the Universe’, but if you think that the material has been useful, I would request you to pray for my father ‘Syed Burhan Shah’ (deceased), who was the person who encouraged me to learn about these things and to spread the word when the ‘Student is Ready’.




-The End-

Part Twenty Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Demonic Possession


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty Two & Twenty Three discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. Part Twenty Four & Twenty Five discussed direct/ indirect encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings



Demonic Possessions & Possessed

~Human encounter with ‘Reptilian Aliens and ‘Other Djinns’ ~


The Spartan King Leonidas, in movie 300 (2006), in a state of confusion, consults ‘Oracle’ to seek an answer to the possible future course of action. The ‘Oracle’ gets into trance. She whirls her body. Her body is convoluted, and in a state of trance, she delivers the answer. God speaks through ‘Oracle’, and her answer seems to be divinely inspired and approved.


The ‘Whirling Dervishes’, of the Sufi order founded by the Jalal-ud-din ‘Rumi’, whirl in circles. It is believed that by doing so, they enter a state of ‘cosmic conscious. They become one with the eternal source of love, peace and harmony. In that state, they pay homage to the ‘Master of the Universe’’. You can try it at home. If you are thinking about an Office project or are writing a book, take a time. Whirl in a circle, first slowly and then faster. If you can avoid faintness and vomiting, you will have an inspiration or an idea useful in that project.


In certain African tribes, people dance in a group. Their movements are haphazard. One of them becomes frenzied and enters a ‘state of mind’, which is akin to that of concentration embodying single stream of consciousness.


Human mind is like a monkey, it is constantly jumping from one idea to another, from one thought to another, in a random manner. At any given time, we have 5 to 6 different streams of thoughts. One which we are trying to consciously maintain and others occurring without our conscious control.


If we know how to ‘still’, unnecessary thoughts, we can enter a state of mind where we can think, correctly.


Why do you we have inspirations and thoughts in a bathroom?


By performing functions of elimination/excretion, we also unconsciously ‘still/freeze’, other unnecessary thoughts.


Why do we feel pleasure when our long cherished deeply held wish fulfills?


It is not the fulfillment but the ‘negation’ of wish which we feel in that ‘split second’ of apparent fulfillment which gives us happiness. The wish once full filed, becomes ‘no-wish’. The Lord Buddha, correctly recognized that the main problem facing humanity was the ‘desires’. If we can somehow negate all desires, we enter the state of ‘Nirvana’. Nirvana, a state of no wishes is the state of happiness.


What this has to do with “Demonic Possessions and Possessed?”


Folklore and common understanding does not stem from the labs of scientists or the books and lectures given by the philosophers.


Common folk saw that people, when they entered the state of cosmic consciousness had to go through frenzy. They saw the end result and mistakenly came to believe that those people were taken over by the ‘demons’ and what they spoke was uttered by the ‘Demons’.


Nobody can overtake a human body. No demon, monster, or Djinn can inhabit our body. Thanks to our movies, they also portray and spread the wrong impression. They emphasize people jumping around, eyes popping out of their eye sockets, change of voice, head spinning around 360 degrees to portray as if the human body has been overtaken by Djinns.


This is not the correct situation.


My parents belong from a village. I have seen women and men, who in normal life were repressed due to social pressure, and embarrassment and were unable to speak or ask for what they wanted. On the verge of suicide or some drastic action, a friend suggests them to fake ‘Demon possessions’. Appropriately, a fake Pir (Exorcist) visits the girl (mostly) and tells after having a private conversation that ‘Djinn’ is demanding this or that. The wish of the girl coming through the pseudo-monster is agreed by the family. Of all the reported ‘Demonic possession’, 99% are fake.


The demonic possessions are only genuine if they are accompanied by ‘Poltergeist Phenomena’ (explained in Part 25). In that case we need to un-hook that person, which would be explained in the last part of the series.


In some cases, we observe that the person is out of control as if he has lost his mind. There are no trappings of hurling of abuses and violent actions. It is the case for the genuine medical practitioner or a psychiatrist. Please don’t do anything else except referring them to a good doctor.


So, if almost all the demonic possessions are fake, the question is can we find genuine cases? Actually the person who is influenced by the Djinns, monsters or aliens would not incline to dramatic acting. Following are the few indications in which you can identify if you or the other person is possessed.


-You were born as a person believing in the ‘Master of Universe’, but due to any reason are converted to atheism (this one indication is actually sufficient)

-You have a sudden strong liking or hatred fora person without any reason.

-You have a sudden change in sexual preference without any reason.

-You suddenly want to sleep separately from your spouse without any cogent reason

-You wake up after full night sleep but are still very tired

-You develop a sudden aversion to religious texts without any cogent reason

-You have constant dreams where you kill or rape someone.

-You have recurring dreams of wandering in graveyards or jungles and someone is chasing you.

-Your spouse, or subordinate has done something wrong. You start lecturing him but want to insult him so much that he is psychologically doomed for life.

-You are magnetized to a certain location without any cogent reason

-People feel irritated and restless when they are in your company.

-Your pet bird starts slamming his head against the cage, whenever he sees you

-The number of lizards have increased in your room.

-The number of dead insects (e.g. Cockroaches’) lying close to the door or window of your room increase

-You were treated for the cancer, the tumor was removed but after few months it again appears.


If you find few of the above indications it means that the person is ‘hooked’ or demonically possessed. I would explain the process of un-hooking in the last part of this series.




~Human encounter with ‘Reptilian Aliens and ‘Other Djinns’ ~


Don’t feel excited if you see an UFO. Please read Part 13 again (see here).


There are two types of UFOs.


First type of UFOs were built by Atlanteans (also humans). After the deluge and destruction of their continent (Island), their anti-gravity flying ships were taken over by Djinns & Aliens (also Djinns). Now these Djinns fool us flying around in UFOs, giving an impression, as if we have been visited by the space travelers. These UFOs fly from the bases located under sea water, North Pole, South Pole, Tibet, and Mount Andes.


Second type of UFOs are the copies built by USA and USSR.


If you encounter these UFOs, please try to avoid the red-pinkish-orange light emitted from these flying ships. These laser beams can injure, burn or maim you for the rest of your life.


If you encounter space travelers (supposed) from these flying ships, speak loudly


“I seek protection of the Master of the Universe from the evil doings of Draco, Reptilian Aliens and their followers”.


If you see that it has no effect on them, Congratulations, you are meeting your own pilots from the air force. Offer them a cup of coffee or salute them and thank profusely your stars that you are being abducted by your own government.



Alien Abductions

~Human encounter with ‘Reptilian Aliens and ‘Other Djinns’ ~


Please read full series for better understanding.


The abductions are carried on by the Reptilian Aliens (after taking explicit permission by your own government) or are carried on by your own government.


Our body has a self-defense system and we have split second before they stun or paralyze us with their devices. Speak following loudly.


“I seek protection of the Master of the Universe from the evil doings of Draco, Reptilian Aliens and their followers”.


They are aware of this defense. So they have come up with techniques of paralyzing/stunning you suddenly. If you cannot speak loudly, you have no defense. In case you are unable to speak, start repeating in your mind


“I refuse…I refuse…I refuse..I refuse to be taken without my will”



This interferes with their devices and in most of the cases they leave you safely. Don’t worry, Reptilian aliens don’t kill humans if they refuse to be taken against their will.




To be Continued…

Part twenty Seven/Last: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Ghost on the road

Ghost on the road



This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty Two & Twenty Three discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. Part Twenty Four discussed direct/ indirect encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings



In this post we will take up and discuss those instances where in waking stage, we feel, see or are touched by an invisible being, ghost or a Djinns (aliens included). Last night someone asked me a very interesting question.


Why I am still alive after so many contacts?


The reason being that there was no Hollywood producer to include sound system in my contacts to make them more terrifying. All the horror movies depend upon the efficient sound which plays with our nerves. The real life contacts don’t have that much help, hence most of the humans survive.


It is rare to meet Draco or a Reptilian Alien in a waking stage. If you had a contact either you are ‘One of Them’, a hybrid or you are a Prophet. There are no prophets sent by “The Master of the Universe”, for the past 1400 years, therefore, you are a hybrid.


Reptilian Aliens don’t make contacts themselves, they use Grey Aliens (a biological robot) for such purpose. Grey aliens are used to abduct, to threaten or to intimidate. A Grey Alien, without the aid of a stunning/paralyzing device, is as helpless as a 4 years old kid. They can be easily killed by a human.


‘Other Djinns’, rarely make a contact unless and until they are having some sort of function over the surface of the earth. Their kids make harmless pranks and enjoy more if you laugh at them. The moment you show them that you are scared, their pranks get serious. But such encounters normally happen at night when you are walking through a desolate area. The best defense is to stop walking and keep staring at them. Believe me their mums have warned them against humans and when you stop walking they sense danger and flee.


‘Other Djinns’, also make contacts when they want to learn something. Normally they tell it in advance. There is no danger in their presence. Please don’t recite any Mantra.


One thing that I have noticed is that ‘Other Djinns’, have no sense of humor. It is useless to make efforts to make them laugh. Our perspective about life is different from what they value. We are interested in material possessions and love relations and they value tribal affiliation and saying only those things which they mean.


Lucky is the home where ‘Other Djinns’ and Humans have agreed to co-exist peacefully. If you reach this sort of agreement, they protect and are helpful when mother is not around and a human toddler gets into trouble. They keep themselves to one solitary room of the house. They don’t appear unnecessary, don’t scare but they protect the whole home from intruders, dacoits and those having ill intentions towards the inhabitants of the home.


Reptilians Aliens, only agree to co-exist when at least one of the inhabitants of the home is a ‘hybrid’. They stay there as a guard for that half human. Except in unusual circumstances, they never make their presence felt.


So, if ‘Reptilian Aliens’, and ‘Other Djinns’ normally peacefully co-exist in a home with humans, from where do we get hauntings, ghost sightings and Poltergeist phenomena?


Humans, being the co-creators and crown of the creation in this Universe are the victim of their own creations. They fear the monsters and demons of their own creation.


Humans, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally create “Self-willed ‘Point of Time’ Self Replica” (hereinafter referred to as ‘Self Replica’). Please see Part 19  for detailed explanation.


‘Self-Replicas’ are neither Reptilian Aliens (an elite type of Djinn) nor they are ‘Other’ type of Djinns.


It is difficult to ascribe numbers to my personal experiences but if I am moved to do.


Haunted Houses and Mansions are the result of activity of;


90% Self Replicas

10% Other Djinns


Ghost Sighting is the result of activity of;


90% Self Replicas

7% Astral of those people who are sleeping at that time

3% ‘Other Djinns’


Poltergeist Phenomena is the result of activity of;

70% Reptilian Aliens

30% ‘Other Djinns’



Haunted houses and Mansions

~Human encounter with ‘Self Replicas’ and ‘Other Djinns’ ~


Haunted Houses are those house where you feel the presence of but can’t see, hear someone walking in the house but when you switch on the light there is nobody.


Such activity is common in an area;


-Which is cold and moist

-Cold Climate

-Some problem with water pipes


-Temperature variation in a day and night temperature

-Underground water close to the surface of the earth.


First we have to determine, if the activity is cause by the ‘Self Replicas’ or the ‘Other Djinns’. Ask someone who has an artistic nature or a developed sense of aesthetics to walk slowly in each room. He will notice a certain tingling or a pressure at the root of his nose. If that pressure is limited to only one room. The ‘Other Djinns’ are living in that room. If that pressure is present in 2 or more rooms, it is the activity of ‘Self Replicas’.


It is best to strike deal with the ‘Other Djinns’ of peaceful co-existence. The elder of the home, be it father, mother, or a son should speak loudly in that particular room.


“We want to live peacefully, please agree to co-exist with manners. We will not disturb you. You will not disturb us.”


If there is tingling in spine, neck or root of nose, it means that they have agreed. Now, don’t use that room. If you are short of rooms, use that special room as store or a library.


If the activity is caused by the ‘Self Replicas’. Do the following.


-Clean the whole house extensively. No cobwebs, no smelly bathrooms.

-Dry the rooms by placing burning stove in each room for one day.

-Select the time for chanting in a following manner. Divide the local sun-set time from Sun-rise time in two equal portion. Use the second portion. It would be normally late in night.


Select 2 people for each room who will start chanting loudly the following at the same time.


‘To the Master of Universe we belong and to the Master of Universe we return’.


5 to 10 minutes of chanting is enough. If the house is heavily haunted, repeat the process for three nights and don’t sleep there in those three nights.


Ghosts Sightings

~Human encounter with ‘Self Replicas’ ‘Astral of the one who is sleeping and ‘Other Djinns’ ~


It is assumed that you are not sighting ghosts in a house, if you do please read the ‘Haunted House part’.


If you sight a ghost, or a ghost like thing in any other place, it is important to know if you are dealing with the ‘Self Replicas’, Astral or ‘Other Djinns’.


In case of ‘Self-Replicas’, they would be repeating a certain activity. Maybe they are repeating the final moments of their horrible death, shrieks, laughs, or crying of a child. Crying of a child is a very common phenomena. It is done by a ‘Self-Replica’, of a child who had untimely infant death or a horrible death.


Stay your ground and walk slowly toward that ghost. If you feel heaviness in your limbs, It is a Djinn, otherwise a ‘Self Replica’. In case of Self Replica, speak loudly


‘To the Master of Universe we belong and to the Master of Universe we return’.


That’s it.


In case of other Djinns, you will notice a certain surprise in their demeanor if you stay your ground. Repeat following.


“I seek protection of the Master of the Universe from the evil doings of Draco, Reptilian Aliens and their followers”.


Astral of those who are sleeping at that time would be oblivious of your presence. They will be walking or gliding like a zombie. Ignore them. Don’t disturb them.


In case you are stopped by a certain person (a ghost maybe) in the dead night. Try to notice something unusual in the attire. If you see that the attire is out of place. Speak loudly.

“I seek protection of the Master of the Universe from the evil doings of Draco, Reptilian Aliens and their followers”.


As far as I am concerned, I don’t speak anything to drive away a ghost if I encounter them.



Poltergeist phenomena

~Human encounter with ‘Reptilian Aliens and ‘Other Djinns’ ~


Poltergeist is a phenomena, in which ‘Reptilian Aliens’ or ‘Other Djinns’, want to drive away humans from a certain location or home by the use of force.


They will move furniture, slam doors or throw things at you.


There are two types of Poltergeist phenomena.


One is caused by the ‘Black Magician’, whereas, the other is caused primarily by the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘Other Djinns’, without the intermediary i.e. Black Magician.


Please note, that in Poltergeist phenomena, the Djinns, Reptilian Aliens, and Black Magician is using the energy of a person ( a living human) present in that home, who is already hooked.


It means either you are hooked or the other person, maybe your friend, spouse or kid is hooked. The telltale sign is that after the poltergeist activity is over, the person hooked, feels tired, exhausted, or is very hungry. Normally I identify such person with their hands. They have fine hands and it is difficult to see their finger prints with the help of a magnifying glass. The lower phalanges of the fingers are swollen. The line of head is broken at some part of its length. Preferably at the immediate separation from the line of life or in the middle of the line of head.


The only cure is to un-hook the person which would be explained in the last part of the series. Once you un-hook a person, all the poltergeist activity stops.






To be Continued…

Part Twenty Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Communication with dead spirit

Conversations with dead human spirits


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.



In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty Two & Twenty Three discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.



Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 


03:27 A.M



What is the time in day & night when Reptilian Aliens/Djinns are strongest in directly influencing the Humans?


What is the time in day & night when Reptilian Aliens/Djinns might prefer to appear physically before any human being?


I found it on 27th of July 2007 in a rather hard way. On 27th of July 2007 at 03:27 am (Rawalpindi, Pakistan Standard Time), I was working in my study. The study has two entrances and the one opens directly outside the home, into lawn. I heard someone wanting me to open the door facing lawn and after few minutes they were in room. I had seen pictures of Reptilian Aliens on internet but I always thought them to be representations made by artists who had over active imagination. To my dismay, the artists failed to paint one obvious quality. Reptilian Aliens, when they appear physically in 3rd dimensional world are intimidating, threatening and over powering. The experience was shocking. When they used the same time after few days, my interest was aroused. What was special in the time 03: 27 am? After so many years and repeated observations, I am convinced that some moments before ‘dawn’, the Reptilian Aliens prefer to appear directly. It has something to do with earth’s daily cycle. As if the earth takes two breaths. One is at some moments before dawn and one at afternoon. Most of the humans at those times are feeling low of energy or dazed.


When I shared this information regarding particular time with friends having interest in occult, one mentioned that the same time was associated with people who commit suicide due to desperation, depression and frustration. These suicides always have diabolical influences working behind the unfortunate exit.


No matter, how much spiritual we might become, we still would be having feet of clay and animals. What is the most natural time for the humans to go to sleep and to awake? What is the daily routine which is consistent with our daily biological cycle?


The ages old adage.


Early to bed and early to Rise.


I started following this routine from late 2007. I started going to bed at approx. 9 pm and woke up at 3 am. I started using time from 3 am to the time when I went to office in intellectual pursuits, unfinished official assignments, projects and reports. I noticed something strange. The assignments and reports which our boss and colleagues thought to take 7 to 8 hours only took 2 to 3 hours when they were taken up in between 3 am and 6 am. By following this early routine, I become less depressed and fresher.


I have a question for everybody. What stops us those living in hot climate to start our day as early as possible and ending the office work at noon?


And here ends the detour which I took when I was discussing direct or Indirect encounters with Reptilian Aliens and Djinns and how best to counteract (Part 18).


Returning back to encounters.





Conversations with dead Spirits

~Human encounter with ‘Djinns’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens~



There is an unending ongoing debate between those people who believe in an immortal nature of the human spirit and those who think that our life-by all accounts-ends at the moment of our death.


People argue that ‘Ego’ (the ‘me’ of ‘Me’ and ‘I’ of my ‘I’) needs to remember earthy experiences to constitute that particular person and no one else. The ‘I’, may survive the death but it is questionable whether it remembers the ‘earthly experiences’ to constitute that particular person.


My research points at different direction. The human spirit has certain years, after earthly death, in which he can remember the ‘experiences’ that he had on earth but after a certain time (Part 20) those experiences are forgotten and ‘Spirit’ moves on to the higher realm of existence.


Let’s take an example. Consider the below mentioned line.


I live in Rawalpindi, I like reading books, I went to Lahore .


In the above line, the constant I, represents the unalterable permanent part of my original human spirit, whereas, live in Rawalpindi…like reading books and …went to Lahore…are experiences of that I. Both of above constitute, ‘Tariq’.


Tariq would remain Tariq whether he remembers those experiences or not. Since there is no re-birth or re-incarnation. Tariq would remain Tariq if all the people who were part of his shared experiences cease to exist.


We can have conversations with dead Human spirits in dream world or in waking life. The dream world has been fully explained in Part 18. Now, I would be talking about possibility of ‘conversations with dead spirits in our ‘Waking Life’.


When I was a kid, I looked at in awe at those kids who said that they communicated with ‘dead spirits’, using a sort of Ouija Board. One boy took me into confidence and shared his diary where he had noted his communications with the dead spirit of ‘Cleopatra’.


“Wow, you are lucky to talk with Elizabeth Taylor”.


At that time I thought that Cleopatra looked like Elizabeth Taylor or Elizabeth Taylor looked like Cleopatra. Thanks God I stopped short of trying the stuff. There are other methods of communicating with dead spirits. In one method, you ‘will/command’ the spirit to appear before you.


Are these methods reliable?


Do we really communicate with dead spirits of those people whom we knew in life?


Unfortunately No.


95% of the conversations are not with the dead human spirits but with Djinns and ‘Reptilian Aliens’.


Following constitutes indications which tell us whether we had genuine conversation with dead human spirit in waking life.


-The dead human spirit would be within the time limit where she can remember her experiences on Earth (see here Part 20).

-The dead human spirit would be gasping for breath.

-The dead human spirit would be in hurry.

-The dead human spirit would speak in broken sentences.

-The dead human spirit would refuse to tell about the ‘after life’ and exact conditions.

-The dead human spirit would ask not to summon her again unless she has very important message for her family and is unable to meet them in their dreams.


It must be remembered that dead human spirits want to make contact in the dream world, on their own volition. They don’t want someone to force the matters. They abhor when someone wants to summon them in the 3rd dimension world. It always seems that as if the person is swimming under water holding his breath.


Let me share few of my experiences.


My grandma died in December 1991, we shared room and I was emotionally attached to her. In June 1994, in a semi lucid dream, I saw her telling me that she has come to say goodbye. That she was moving on.


Raes Amrohvi was a famous poet and an occultist . He was a writer on several books dealing with metaphysics. I summoned him in 1994. For those who are interested. Mr. Raes would retain memory up to year 2024 A.D. He urged me to read ‘Golden Bough’ by Sir James Frazer. He shared an interesting thought. He was wondering whether all life or all dimensions are the dream of some greater being and the moment he wakes up all would end.


There is a much reliable method to summon a dead human spirit in her proper form in 3rd dimensional world, but the method requires a lot of mental and spiritual discipline which is not possible now a days.


The above was regarding genuine encounters which constitute 5% of all the possible encounters.


For the rest of supposed 95% encounters.

What we think as encounters/conversations in our waking life, with the dead spirits of humans, are deceptions staged by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, their ‘followers’, and other Djinns.


Following entities are eager to maintain contact with someone who is using Ouija Board or any other method of summoning ‘Human Spirits’ in the 3rd dimensional world.


-Reptilian Aliens (Part 6)

-Other Djinns.

-‘Self-willed ‘Point of Time’ Self Replicas of those who had horrible death and are now bent on revenge (see Part 20).


Once the above maintain a contact, they are unwilling to end the contact. They threaten, entreat or make your life miserable.


The best way to deal with them is to end every session with a following statement spoken loudly


‘To the Master of Universe we belong and to the Master of Universe we return’.


It does not matter in which language you speak the above words. The ‘Master of Universe’ speaks and understands all languages and so do ‘Draco’.


The sessions are always peculiar in a way that the limbs of the one summoning ‘dead spirits’ become numb. It appears as if someone has placed a slab of ice on the limbs and on the neck. The reason is that the spirits use ‘ecto plasma’ of the astral of the one who is doing the summoning. In case the ‘supposed spirit’ is refusing to go. Keep on repeating loudly…


‘To the Master of Universe we belong and to the Master of Universe we return’.


To be Continued…

Part Twenty Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Spiritual warrior

Spiritual Warrior   Pic Source





This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen, Twenty, and Twenty one and Twenty Two discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings




For the past 3 months, I am constantly receiving requests to write about the possibility of ‘sexual relationship between the Aliens/Djinns and humans and the best method to see a ‘Djinn’, in this physical world.


Regarding ‘sexual relations’, if the Djinns have assumed the shape of a human, the sexual relationship would be same as we have with other humans, except with the difference that the feelings and sensations would be heightened. But if we want to have sexual relations when they are in their ‘real’ shape it would be a frustration.


I would describe sexual relationships, as a male with 2 types of ’Djinns’. Reptilian Aliens (Yosh) and fairies.


The genital organ of the ‘Reptilian Alien’ is large as far as girth and length is concerned. Their females are attuned to their own types, hence if a male human has a sexual relationship with a female Reptilian Alien, he would find her ‘very large’. It is like doing it in air. Not pleasing.


Similarly if a human female has a sexual relationship with a real Reptilian Alien, she would find it very painful. Most of them faint due to extreme pain. The memory relating to the sexual union is erased by the ‘Reptilian Aliens’, but the woman is unable to have a normal sexual relationship with any human male. She has strong desires but the moment she goes for it, the pain hiding in the subconscious recesses of mind comes to the surface and she feels pain even in the normal sexual relationships.


Fairies (male and female included), in their real shape resemble us, except with a shocking differences that their tongues are every long and coiled. The female fairy is responsive in a season corresponding to the ‘spring’ season on planet earth. The sexual union appears normal, however, their pupils dilate repeatedly during the act. Human females have found sexual union with the male fairies bit strange. They are generally put off by the strange smell emanating from the bodies of the male fairies. The sexual union is over in seconds and is like normal sexual union.


The best method to see ‘Djinns’ (Aliens) is to prepare oneself.


Take account of how much sleep and food you normally need in 24 hours’ time period. Now eliminate processed food, beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and artificially factory prepared chemicals from your diet. Start going to sleep early in the night and wake up early in the morning. When after few days you start following the rhythm, then gradually shorten your sleep and food intake in such a way that very slowly and gradually over the period of 2 months, your sleep is reduced to 2 and half hours in 24 hours’ time and your food intake is reduced to 1/8 of what you consume normally.


At the last stages of this preparation, eliminate, poultry foul, processed fish, red meat (actually all types of meat) garlic and onion from your diet. Staying away from sex is preferable. At the end of the period people start seeing 4th dimensional world with their waking eyes. Djinns belong from the 4th dimension world. I cannot guarantee if they would like to communicate with you or not. They being telepathic need a receptive mind for communicating.


I partially tried the above method in 1991 and was successful. I tried the method again in January-February 1993 and was fully successful. But keep in mind that I was a teenager and had a youth, vigor and inclination to undergo the temporary ascetic life.



Master’s Group of Spiritual Warriors


One of a reader of these posts has complained that humans are at a constant disadvantage because of the fact that ‘Djinns’ (Aliens) can see them all the time but there is no defense or no one to counter or intercept their attacks and plans.


Actually there is.


With the advent of humans on this planet earth and from time immemorial there has been a ‘Master’s Group of Spiritual Warriors’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Order). The total strength of the ‘Order has always been 81 (including ‘Leader’).


The function of the order is to;


  • Protect the planet earth from the destruction caused by imminnet collision of space matter e.g. meteors or collision from other planetary bodies.


  • Intercept, interpret, foresee and counter the spiritual attacks conducted by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their followers’ and aimed at humans.


  • Prepare a material content suitable for channeling called ‘Ethical Legislation’.


  • Influence via channeling those humans who have the reigns of humanity in their hands.


  • Channel those inventions and innovations which have positive effects for the human beings.
  • Refresh any material of human guidance which has become outdated due to advancements in science, technology and human understanding.


  • Any other duty which the ‘Messenger’ of the ‘Master’ of the Universe (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’) deems fit. There are no messengers for the past 1400 years (nor there would be any in future) hence the leader of the Order decides the additional duties now a days.


The membership to the ‘Order’ is open to all who have a human soul. The membership is granted after extensive testing, dissemination of knowledge and on hands training. Every human being born on this planet without the distinction of class, color, creed, religion or gender is granted an opportunity.


The testing starts at the very early age of the child. The first test is simple and short and if the child passes the test he is graduated to the next level. There is knowledge, on-hands training and testing at every level and if you fail any level it is the end of the testing. After the passage of time, the amount of knowledge and on-hands training increases. The people who are being trained have no idea what is going on but since the experience is refreshing they keep on learning. The numbers starting diminish at the end of every level and at the last level, few remain. Still they have no idea what was all the fuss about. Those who pass the final test are kept on waiting list subject to the availability in the ‘Order’. The testing is a continuous process and is happening all the times. Sometimes no one is able to pass the last level along with other few.


At the time of admittance into ‘Order’, the pupil is told about the ‘Order’, the ‘purpose’ of the Order and duties concerned. Most people mistakenly believe that they will be King of the world or some V.I.P but they are disappointed that the life is going to be very hard. The powers acquired during the course of training are not to be used in personal gains. They have to pass the ordinary life in complete anonymity. They cannot tell anyone about their ‘Order’ or the prestigious membership. The leader of the ‘Order’ takes things seriously and is a very harsh task master. There are no salaries, no perks, no chauffeur driven cars and no decorated villas.


The secrecy is of such an high order, that no living mortal has any idea that the person with whom they shook hands or the one who served them their lunch might be the ‘most powerful person’.


They are anonymous the time they live and no one places flowers on their graves when they die. Sometimes a member who is dead can be resurrected back to life by the orders of the ‘Leader’, but he will be hidden from the general world.


The ‘Leader’ of the ‘Order’ is generally known to the normal human beings.


Saga Lookman, Saga Khizastra & Saga Elliah are few of the well-known leaders of the ‘Order’. There are few things to be kept in mind. The ‘Order’ works for all the humans irrespective of their religion, cast, creed, color or nationality. It is for the humans and by the humans.


No living person can have any idea who might be the member of the ‘Order’. The secrecy is maintained at the very highest and strictest level. Not trying to offend the religious sensibilities of my readers but the member of the ‘Order’ can be a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, Jain, catholic, protestant, Mormon or anyone. The essential requirements for the member is to have following beliefs:


  • There is one ‘Master’ of the Universe’
  • Light bearers are real and are working at the behest of the ‘Master’
  • The Master guided humans through specially revealed books and instructions
  • This guidance came though ‘Messengers’
  • One day all the human (as well as Djinn) souls would be judged by the Master
  • Every good or bad thing happens according to the decree of the ‘Master’
  • There is life after death.


Living in Pakistan, I am sometimes amazed at bureaucrats (specially retired) who make claims to locate and befriend ‘members’ of the Order with apparently no effort.


A member of the ‘Order’ (except the ‘leader’) would always remain anonymous whether he is living or has been dead thousands of years ago. This is how the ‘Order’ has been working for the past so many centuries.





December 2012


In the early part of the 21st century, people noticed that ‘Mayan’s calendar stopped at a date which coincided with 21st of December, 2012. Many speculations were made. Some claimed that it was the end of humanity, some claimed that it was the end of any life on planet earth. Some astrologers claimed that the date coincided with the aligning of Galactic Center with the 27th degree of the Sagittarius.


The 27th degree of Sagittarius is known as the degree of ‘Draco’ or ‘Reptilian Aliens’.


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ have a considerable influence on humans but on that particular date i.e. 21st December 2012, windows relating to ‘Reptilian Consciousness’ would have extended for few months and Reptilian Aliens would have total control over the humans, sufficient for their destruction.


The event has been foreseen by the ‘Draco’ as well as the ‘Leader of the Order’ for the past so many centuries. It marked a date when humanity would be completely helpless. Both parties were preparing for the event. The plan of the ‘Draco’ was to place his Half Human-Half Reptilian Alien Son in an influential position on planet earth and with his coronation, the events leading to extinction of humanity would have been speeded up.


As I explained in the previous post, the identity of the Half Humans and Half Reptilian Aliens have been a carefully guarded secret. One of the half breed has genome of the ‘Draco’. This half breed Draco’s Son (born between 1968 and 1988) has been called by many names in the ancient history. Some know him as ‘Anti-Christ’ while some know him as ‘Djall’.


The ‘Order’ of the spiritual warriors were trying their best to ‘counter’ the threat of extinction but all their hopes were ending in vain by the middle of the 2012.


A strange thing happened in the first week of November 2012. To the shock of Draco and to the amazement of the ‘leader’ of the Order. The intended, to be crowned, Son of Draco, was discovered to be none other than but ‘member’ of the Order. It appeared that since the membership of the Order was open to all the people who had human soul, the Son of the Draco, unawares to the knowledge of the ‘Leader’ regarding his true identity, had passed all the tests and was already member of the ‘Order’ for the past 19 years.


While the world was waiting on 21st of December, 2012, the ‘Draco’ and ‘Elite Reptilian Aliens’ already knew in the middle of the November that the intended war was already won by the humans. The Son of the Draco, refused to work against the humans.


After this comedy of errors, the ‘Master of the Universe’ had the last and the loudest laugh.


To be Continued…

Part Twenty Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Avatar Movie Half human half na'avi

Half Humans Half Aliens


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen, Twenty & Twenty one discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings



‘Half Humans and Half Reptilian Aliens’ beings


A question often posed to me is the possibilities of sexual union between Humans and Djinns and the resulting kids born out of such union.


There are different kinds of ‘Djinns’, so we need to know the specifics.


Out of all types of ‘Djinns’, fairies (males and females) and Witches (males and females), on rarest occasions establish such union. But this is only out of love. Kids born as a result of such union don’t survive but if they do, they are sterile and short lived.


In this series, we are discussing the strongest type of Djinns, commonly known as ‘Reptilian Aliens’. They are neither reptilians nor aliens. Due to differences in genitals, anatomy and other features, sexual union is not possible between Humans and Reptilian Aliens in the 3rd dimensional world. Such union can take place in 4th dimensional (dream) world but it is least pleasurable and grating.


Reptilian aliens can change their shape in our dreams and meet us as if they are humans, sexual union in such case would be pleasurable but it would be an ‘Illusion’. They playing with our ‘nerves’ and pleasure centers. In normal circumstances, kids cannot be born out of such union.


Thanks to David Icke, a general environment is being prepared where we are made to believe that Earth has been infested with shape shifting Humans, who under the crude cameras and bad photography temporarily shift into reptilians. Many celebrities, dignitaries and royals are thought to be shape-shifting reptilians.


Far from the truth.


There have never been in history half-breed Humans/Reptilians. There are interest groups who-for their temporary material gains-have aligned with the agenda of Draco and Reptilian Aliens. These interest groups have been known by different names. Their temporary alliance has not made them any ‘favorite’ with the ‘Draco’. They are generally viewed with suspicion owing to the fact that one who is ready to sell his soul for his material gains, cannot be considered to be sympathetic with ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’ or anyone’s else.


The ‘Draco’s plan has always been to dispense with ‘followers’ and replace them with children of ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’, known as Half Humans and Half Reptilian Aliens. Necessary knowledge of genetics to bring about such change was not available before the ‘Cold War’.


Head of the State of any country is generally ‘Protector’ (see here ) of citizens/residents of that country. ‘Djinns’ (Draco and Reptilians Aliens are basically ‘Djinns’) cannot successfully operate citizens for the purposes of ‘experimentation’ unless an explicit permission of the ‘Head of the State’ has been received. For many centuries ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’ waited for the opportunity and it was provided in the form of ‘Cold War’ between Russia and America.


At that time ‘Reptilian Aliens’, appeared separately before government officials of America and Russia and posed as ‘Aliens’ and promised ‘space technology’ and weapons of sophisticated mind control. An agreement on the government level was signed with them. The important part of agreement was to allow ‘Reptilian Aliens’, to conduct experiments of ‘genetics’ on expecting mothers. They were required to provide ‘list’ of those on whom experiments were conducted. The nature and purpose of the experiments was not revealed to humans.


The purpose of the experimentation was to prepare Half Humans and Half Reptilians all over the earth, who can live on planet Earth in a 3rd dimension as Humans. The ‘Draco’ and Reptilian Aliens, after many failed attempts came to know that the modification of a Human into Half Human Half Reptilian was to be done in 3 stages.


Firstly, at zygote level within a germinal stage (Implanting of a Reptilian genome).

Secondly, between 40-50 days at the moment of ‘ensoulment’ (to make sure that the soul accepts the arrangement)

Thirdly, at approx. 180 days (corrective procedures and modification of human astral).


So, it means that the human female-whose defenses are lowered-has to be abducted ‘3’ times, if she has to have a Half Human Half Reptilian kid.


The agreement was violated. The flying saucers proved only to be fast moving anti-gravity air ships travelling within the earth boundary. Only weapons of mind control were provided. The complete list of women operated upon was not provided.


In late 1960’s, Draco’ and Reptilian Aliens were able to genetically transform a zygote in such a way that the human child born was-at brain and astral level-Half human and Half Reptilian Alien.


As a result of successful experimentation, the ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’ have been instrumental in the births of approx. 200 ‘Half Humans and Half Reptilian Aliens’ between the period of 1968-1988. The process was stopped in 1988 and it was left to already born ‘Half Humans and Half Reptilian Aliens’ to further propagate their ‘line’ and genome.


It could be understood that the births of these Half Humans and Half Reptilians is a matter of utmost secrecy. Only ‘Draco’ and few Reptilian Aliens at the elite level know the number, state and whereabouts of the ‘Half Breed’. The human ‘followers’ of the ‘Draco’ also don’t know about the exact names and location of these ‘Half Breeds’ and even if they know they are not able to harm them due to wrath of ‘Draco’.


Three kind of ‘Reptilian genomes’ were used in the process.



Elite Reptilian Aliens &

Scientist Reptilian Aliens.


There is a hierarchy in the ‘Half Breeds’. The child as the result of implanting of Draco’s genome is the most protected one. Next come those born with implanting of ‘Elite Reptilian Aliens’’ genome and the rest follow.


The most important part after the birth of the ‘Half Breed’ was whether they would be able to survive and adjust in the alien (Earth) environment? The Human part in them helped them to adjust but still there were problems after the birth.


Speech and learning disabilities in the earlier life of Half Breeds was most noticeable.


First problem related to adjusting to the ‘Human form of communication which is totally different from the ‘Reptilian’ communication.


When Reptilian Aliens communicate between themselves they use ‘telepathy’. They don’t lie and don’t cheat. There is no difference between the real intent and communication. It is natural to assume that observing facial gestures and non-verbal signals are not necessary.


Humans, use a mix of verbal communication and non-verbal gestures to convey what they think. A single word can mean different when uttered with different tones, emphasis or occasion. Most of the time, there is difference between ‘real intent’ and ‘whatever is spoken’.


‘Half Breed’, display symptoms of ‘Asperger Syndrome’ earlier on. They fail to notice ‘non-verbal signals due to presence of ‘Reptilian genome’. They have to make a lot of effort to adjust to this non-reptilian requirement.


On most occasions, they speak very fast to keep pace with their thoughts and have to learn in a hard way to speak slowly so as to be understood. ‘Half breeds’, stutter and stammer when they try to slow their speech’ but they learn to hide this defect-over a period of time-successfully.


Humans, are not telepathic, but half breeds sometimes forget this and try to communicate telepathically and wonder why the person has not responded. They try to cope with their habit to communicate telepathically.


‘Reptilian Aliens’ are non-emotional, resultantly ‘half breeds’ are also non-emotional most of the times. Erroneously, half breeds might be considered as selfish by their fellows, when in fact they according to their own understanding might have displayed compassion.


‘Half breeds’, most of the times act ‘formal’ in their non-formal human interactions, forgetting that keeping ‘formality’ is a ‘Reptilian Alien’ trait.


‘Half Breeds’, loathed to be touched, again a ‘Reptilian Alien’ trait. It creates problems in their intimate relationships.


Another problem faced by a growing/maturing ‘Half Breed’, is the respect of an ‘authority’. Be it in the form of a human father, teacher or law enforcing agency. Reptilian Aliens, normally don’t respect humans and the same problem is faced by their ‘half breeds’.


Every ‘half breed’, had to go through above adjustments on their own. Their growing years were full of internal strife, confusion & adjustment. They felt differently from the herds of humanity but were not told about ‘how’ and ‘why’ of this difference. They sincerely thought that they were from different planet or as if they were adopted. The calm shown at the surface was a cloak worn by them to hide their internal turmoil.


‘Draco’s experiment has proved successful. ‘Half breeds’ have not only survived but were able to conceive and start another generation of Half Humans and Half Reptilians.


Many humans suspect that there are ‘Half Breeds’ on planet Earth, but they have been looking into the opposite direction. They thought that Half Humans and Half Reptilians would be the most negative people and well known or celebrities. In fact the experiments were conducted to combine the best traits of Humans as well as Reptilians. The ‘Half breeds’ have been deliberately placed by ‘Draco’, at such status or position in life where they are not ‘noticed’. Security and secrecy was the ruling concern in this experiment.


How would you recognize that someone is ‘Half Breed’?

The Half breeds are small in number and they must have all or majority of the characteristics-described below-to be identified as such.


-Birth from 1968 to 1988 A.D

-Respect for law (though they secretly disdain any ‘human authority’)

-Interested in a religion or dictums of a religion. ‘Half breeds’, though sometimes pose but they are not atheists.

-Not interested in ‘material possessions’. The higher (purer) the breed, this characteristics would be prominent.

-Not addicted to drugs or alcoholism. Don’t like to lose their mind by taking hallucinating drugs.

-Loathed to be touched

-Interested in intimacy but low sexual drive.

-Earlier problems in communications

-Strange look in their eyes, as if they don’t know you.



-Interest in law, armed forces, mining, archaeology, history, occult or medicine

-They will loath to take any human life, except in the line of duty.

-They will resist to form part of any group who believes in taking lives of another humans

-They cannot shape-shift

-They exhibit ‘Reptilian’, characteristics ‘the most’, just moments after they have woken up

-In moments of extreme happiness and extreme anger they have an ability to change things (miracles) by saying aloud what they want to happen.

-Their touch has a healing effect

-Insistence on having separate room or privacy. It is necessary for communicating with their fellow ‘Reptilian Aliens’


From an astrological point of view, most of the ‘Half breeds’, are born at a time when their birth horoscope calculated from Tropical perspective has at least one planet at 27th degree of Sagittarius ( i.e. 26.01 to 26.59 Sagittarius) or any planet at 28th degree of Aquarius (i.e. 27.01 to 27.59 Aquarius). The 27th degree of Sagittarius has been known as degree of ‘Draco’ or ‘Reptilian Aliens’. The 28th degree of Aquarius is known as degree of cosmic consciousness.


So, when were these ‘Half Breeds’, told of a fact that they were hot fully humans? The task is under the supervision of ‘Draco’ and ‘Elite Reptilian Aliens’, and they break the news by preparing the half breed, because it is the most disturbing thing to hear that they are not full human. All most all of the first ‘generation’, has been told of this fact accompanied by the physical appearance of ‘Reptilian Aliens’ before them in this 3rd dimensional world.


The first meeting always happens when the transiting moon is in the 27th degree of Sagittarius.





To be Continued…


Part Twenty Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


‘Protectors’ and ‘Providers’ pic source




This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen & Twenty discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings




There are two precautions to be kept in mind while selecting ‘animals’ for scapegoat purposes.


The animals raised and fed in the premises of your own home should not be slaughtered. These animals repose and trust their body to your custody. This trust should not be violated.


The money spent should be the result of hard earned labors. It should not be the result of accumulation using bribing, monopoly, extortion, hoarding or coercion. Otherwise the animal slaughtered would not serve any purpose.



Double Bed


Never have been in history of mankind, men and women had more opportunities of interacting with each other as they have now. It was thought that it would result in more tolerance and understanding but the prevailing result has been the destruction of ‘bonding’, ‘family unit’ and rising rates of divorces and separations. What has gone wrong?


‘Double Bed’, is a situation in which two people with varying differences in physiology, preferences in life, purported role in life and perspectives on life are thrown close to each other in a suffocating embarrassing embrace.


‘Double Bed’, is also a situation in which a person consciously having an idea of the likely outcome, actively tries to change it to his own benefit. It breeds the question and delicate balance existing between ‘fate’ and ‘free will’.


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ have an agenda to destroy the ‘bonding’ which might exist between the individuals. The best way is to suffocate the distance or distancing the distance.


In a garb of understanding-which never occurs-men and women set on a journey to understand each other but with a difference. They try to understand according to their own yard sticks. How can you have a perspective of another person, if you are not that person?


Both sexes pursue their agenda. The dictates of ‘economics’ force Women to primarily go and look for the security while men want to score for the bragging rights.


The situation is further complicated when hordes after hordes of writers and poets tell that ‘love’-existing between the humans-is the most important emotion in life. Consider yourself in a dilemma, when hard headed materialist also harps on the same tune. With the rampant media, push of the peers, we are directed to the big deception.


The fact is that we can ‘like’ anyone on a consistent basis but love as an emotion is a transient one and it occurs only in exceptional cases.


Men are from Mars while women are from Venus. It emphasizes the differences which naturally exist between the two sexes. These differences were placed for a reason. Men were to toil hard while women were to make use of that ‘toil’ to consolidate and manage.


Double Bed is a situation in which men and women, from the urgings of society, circumstances, or force of media, try to infiltrate the space of each other. The best example is when they share the privacy of a room.


Too much familiarity breeds contempt. The good points are taken for granted and forgotten while the short comings are magnified and brought repeatedly to the table of discontent.


In not so ancient times, men and women had their own sphere of existence where they spent most of their times. They slept together but nobody intruded in each other’s privacy.


Astrology as an art can pin point times where a little difference can give raise to major fights. A distance in such instance is necessary to fuse the tensions. The planetary energies are blind and only notice the outward effects. People in a habit of intruding each other’s space and thoughts would be more prone to break-ups than those who already ‘apparently’ keep the distance.


So, can we avert the impending so-called fate? How much of our life is fated and how much of it is open to careful planning and avoidance.


My research and personal experiences up to this point have proven that apparently fated break-ups in our identified ‘relationships’ be it with family, parents, siblings or a partner, can easily be avoided by re-directing and re-adjusting the planetary energies. The same is difficult to achieve in other fated events. The ‘other apparently unwanted fated’ events can only be averted by;


  • Use of common sense and consultations with a mentor
  • Scapegoat
  • Active help of a ‘Protector’ or a ‘Provider’ Or
  • Direct intervention of a member of Master’s Group of Spiritual Warriors


The ease with which ‘relationships’ can be mended or untoward events related to ‘relationships’ averted are called the ‘Double Bed’.


The difficulty with which ‘other apparently unwanted fated event’ can be averted is called the ‘Non-Double Bed’.


I will cite one example each from personal experiences at my disposal.


An Example of ‘Double Bed’ Event

In 2002, two of my former class fellows, a girl and a boy, decided to call off their conjugal relationship. Their families agreed to the decision. Only person who had other thoughts were the younger boy of the Husband. He asked me to intervene. We checked the birth charts and prints of the couple. Everything pointed to ‘The End’. At that time I dabbled with rudimentary form of astro-numerology (fully developed later on in 2009/2010). After extensive checking we came to realize that intended breakup of the girl coincided with her fierce fight with a female who should be youngest in her family and her name beginning with the alphabet ‘B’ or ‘V’.


We checked that the ‘energy’ generated in either case would be all exclusive, that if one event happens, other event might not happen. The girl was not ready to participate in our ‘remedial action’- as she was bent on ending her marriage-so, she was not taken into confidence. We found a suitable person in the younger aunt of the girl. Luckily she was also my friend and was keenly interested in all matters occult. We took her into confidence. At a date set by me after consultation with the younger aunt, a staged fight took place. After that fight a strange thing happened. The boy and girl decided (along with their families) that their decision to ‘End’ the relationship was premature.


We explained the ‘Staged Event’ in 2011 and everybody involved had a hearty laugh. The term ‘Double Bed’ was coined at that time.


An Example of ‘Non Double Bed’ Event

In 2009, I was appointed as District Finance & Administration Manager, ‘Rawlakot’ (State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir) by National Commission for Human Development. This post was also defacto Provincial Finance & Administration Manager of AJ&K. At the State level I was required to report to Major (R) Bilal Bin Habib who was ‘Focal Person’, whereas on the other hand I was reportable to the Directors of Finance, Administration & Inventory at the Head Office level. At that time, I did not mix my two sides, the official side was not aware of my occult side whereas, the occult side did not interfere in official matters. Somehow Major Bilal, got hold of the secret. As we also had spare time, he got me into discussing the ‘unalterable fate’ versus the ‘free will’. He asked me to interpret my own chart. I told him that according to my own chart I was destined for promotion in 2010 but would get into some serious trouble regarding my career at NCHD, after that promotion.


He asked me to take conscious control of my ‘destiny’. I tried to make best of everything. I worked hard, improved my relationship with Head Office and Director of Finance. Everything was fine. There was no danger until the night of 24th of June 2010. We were visited by the Program head from Head Office. His official driver belonged from a side project of NCHD (funded by the provincial government of Punjab) who was set for lay off on 30th of June. The driver who was also suffering from high blood pressure was harboring grudge against head office.


In the middle of night, I came to know that I had left ‘mobile charger’ in the office. To my dismay, I saw driver sleeping on the floor of the ‘Reception ‘room. I was shocked. I woke him and asked him to share my room or arrangements could be made for his stay in a hotel. He told that he had just washed his clothes and would return to his own arrangements. I took mobile charger from my office and left office. A strange thing happened. That driver fuming with rage came after me and started hurling abuses at me and Kashmir. I tried to calm him down but to no avail. Eventually I had to throw him out of the office premises.


There was no immediate remedy in SOP’s to protect my honor.


I resigned next morning.


Man proposes, God disposes.



Few people are aware of the defenses available against evil doings of ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ & ‘Other Djinns’, when they try to harm our ‘Self’, our ‘Money’ and our ‘Reputation’, apart from the basic defense available at the ‘astral level’.


Females in a family are responsible for the following for their entire maternal family (including extended)


Eldest Born Female= Provider (Food, Shelter and Basic necessities of life & Nurturing)

Middle Born Female/s=Mind

Youngest Born Female= Beauty, Aesthetic Values, Harmony & Peace


Males in a family are responsible for the following for their entire paternal family (including extended)


Eldest Born Male= Protector (Against Spiritual Attacks, Bodily Harm, Reputation, Black Magic & Curses)

Middle Born Male/s= Muscle (Power, Engineering, Construction)

Youngest Born Male= Tangible Fixed Assets


It would be quite lengthy to discuss each of the above. We would pick only those which are relevant to ‘our topic’ at hand.





A ‘Protector’, is the eldest born son. He becomes more powerful if he is also a ‘torch bearer’.


A ‘torch bearer Protector’ is an eldest born male who is also son of a person who is also eldest born male child of his parents. And so on. The longer, the unbroken line of eldest born males, and the stronger the ‘Protector’ becomes.


The eldest born males are determined from the males only, whereas eldest born females are determined from the females only. It does not matter if the eldest born male has an eldest sister. He has to be compared with the males only, while the females are considered separately.


Let’s say, for example, I am the eldest born son, of a person who was also eldest born son of a person who was also eldest born son born in 1879. So, I am a ‘torch bearer ‘Protector’ of a family/clan comprising of all kids, adults (men and women) from 1879. Maybe 300 people, maybe 500 people.


A ‘Protector’ can only be traced and determined from the ‘Paternal side’ of the family or clan.


If we think carefully there should also be ‘minor protectors’ in addition to a ‘major protector’.


For example, I am ‘Protector’ of my first cousin and his family. My cousin is a middle born son of a person who is also middle born son of his parents. But my cousin also has an eldest born male. That male can also start a line of ‘eldest born males’ if he has an eldest born son, after his marriage. But he would be the protector of his siblings and their families.



It does not matter, how many ‘minor protectors’ a family/clan has, the Major ‘Protector’, is the most important.


‘Protector’, knowingly or unknowingly, has to take on himself, all the black magic, curses, schemes to malign reputation, deceptive schemes of the ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and ‘Other Djinns’, on behalf of those whom he ‘protects’ or purports to protect.


In most of the cases, the ‘Protector’, is spiritually and mentally strong and capable of dealing with all which is thrown at him.


There is a special link between ‘Protector’ and those ‘Protected’. And it could only be broken when a ‘protected’ knowingly or unknowingly severs all connection from the ‘Protector’. This severing is by deeds or by words. However, this severance works against the one ‘formerly protected’ seeking severance and works in favor of a ‘Protector; because he has to ‘take on’ less. One less to take care off. A happy and comparatively less tense life.


A ‘Protector’ can also sever the connection, with someone he formerly ‘protected’, by his deeds and words. But this is a selfish act and he would be answerable to the ‘Master of the Universe’ on the day of final reckoning.


A person can have more benefit-in times of trouble- if he has good relationships with his ‘Protector’. But that would be not so good for the protector, because he would have to ‘take more’.


A ‘torch bearer Protector’, sometimes becomes aloof from the clan/family he is supposed to protect. Not because he is refusing to protect but because he would have to ‘take more’ on behalf of someone who has good relationship with him.


What is the importance of a ‘Protector’ or a ‘torch bearer Protector’ in the context of ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘Other Djinns’?




‘Protector’, is the person who stands like a rock before the person whom he is protecting.


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘Other Djinns’ have devised following to counter protection offered by the ‘Protector’.


‘Draco’ and his team try their best to sever the connection existing between the ‘Protector’ and the ‘Protected’. They try to provoke those ‘protected’ to commit deeds or say words so that ‘Protector’ is pissed off and severs the connection.


‘Draco’, and his team also try their best to provoke ‘Protector’ to commit deeds or say words so that those ‘Protected’ are pissed off and sever the connection.


An established Family/Clan is the essence of the ‘Torch Bearer Protector’. ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their ‘followers’ are trying their best to create a scenario where ‘family’ or legal heir becomes meaningless. When there is no family there will be no ‘Protectors’.


As we discussed that in addition to ‘Protectors’ and ‘Providers’ there are other saviors in the shape of ‘Mind Torch bearers’, ‘Beauty Torch bearers’, ‘Muscle Torch bearers’ and ‘Fixed Asset Torch bearers’.


‘Draco’ and his team is the one behind the idea of ‘small family’ or non-existent family via free and careless sex. A small family over the generations would not have protectors or other categories. The considerations of health of mothers is important but a pre-planned small family is not the part of original ‘Master’s Plan’. This planet has much greater resources to feed a very large population then we have been led to believe.


There are also other ‘Protectors’ which need to be detailed.


A tribal chief, is also a ‘Protector’ for the tribe, for the time he is the ‘tribal chief’.


A head of state, is a ‘Protector’ for the people and residents of the country for the term of his office.


A leader of a Political party, is a ‘Protector’ for the people who have publicly (by deeds or words) disowned their ‘head of the state’.


The fate of the ‘protected’ is closely linked with their ‘Protector’, if the ‘Protector’ succumbs to the temptations offered by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘Other Djinns’, he can metaphorically sell the souls of all those whom he was supposed to ‘Protect’. Once the protection is off, a person could easily be ‘hooked’ or drained.


In case of a family/clan people have no choice but in case of tribe, country, and political affiliation they do have a choice to select those who would be their protectors. Since, the head of States work for those who finance his election and tribal chiefs are becoming extinct, the Protectors of the family/clan have assumed an importance.





World would be a far better and peaceful place, if the resources relating to food, shelter and clothing are owned, controlled and distributed by the ‘females’.


Man thinks from his d***, while women think from their breasts. The result is that men accumulate and hoard to ‘prove’ something, whereas women would first of all feed, clothe and give shelter to her family but after that she would distribute the surplus to the neighbors, town, city and finally to the whole of the world.


Those apparently meaningless gossips and chatters which our females share among themselves are most of the time directed at the foolishness and vain ambitions of their males.


A ‘Provider’, is the eldest born daughter. She becomes more powerful if she is also a ‘torch bearer’.


A ‘torch bearer Provider’ is an eldest born female who is also daughter of a woman who is also eldest born female child of her parents. And so on. The longer, the unbroken line of eldest born females, and the stronger the ‘Provider’ becomes.


The eldest born females are determined from the females only. It does not matter if the eldest born female has an eldest brother. She has to be compared with the females only, while the males are considered separately.


Let’s say, for example, my sister is the eldest born daughter of a woman who is also eldest born daughter of a woman who was born in 1935. So, my sister is a ‘torch bearer ‘Provider’ of a family/clan comprising of all kids, adults (men and women) from 1935. Maybe 100 people, maybe 200 people.


A ‘Provider’ can only be traced and determined from the ‘Maternal side’ of the family or clan.


A ‘Provider’, knowingly or unknowingly, provides or blesses those under her care for sufficiency and abundance regarding food shelter and basic necessities of life. She takes on herself, all the black magic, and curses, directed at the basic sustenance of those for whom she acts as a ‘Provider’.


In most of the cases, the ‘Provider’, is spiritually and maternally strong and capable of dealing with all which is thrown at those for whom she acts as a ‘Provider’.


There is a special link between ‘Provider’ and those ‘Provided’. And it could only be broken when a ‘provided’ knowingly or unknowingly severs all connection from the ‘Provider’. This severing is by deeds or by words. However, this severance works against the one ‘formerly provided’ seeking severance and works in favor of a ‘Provider; because she has to ‘take on’ less. One less to take care off. A happy and comparatively less tense life.


A ‘Provider’ can also sever the connection, with someone she formerly ‘provided’, by her deeds and words. But this is a selfish act and she would be answerable to the ‘Master of the Universe’ on the day of final reckoning.


A person can have more benefit-in times of trouble- if he has good relationships with his ‘Provider’. But that would be not so good for the provider, because she would have to ‘take more’.


What is the importance of a ‘Provider’ or a ‘torch bearer Provider’ in the context of ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘Other Djinns’?




‘Provider’, is the person who stands like a rock before the person whom he is providing.


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘Other Djinns’ have devised following to counter blessing and sufficiency offered by the ‘Provider’.


‘Draco’ and his team try their best to sever the connection existing between the ‘Provider’ and the ‘Provided’. They try to provoke those ‘provided’ to commit deeds or say words so that ‘Provider’ is pissed off and severs the connection.


‘Draco’, and his team also try their best to provoke ‘Provider’ to commit deeds or say words so that those ‘Provided’ are pissed off and sever the connection.


An established Family/Clan is the essence of the ‘Torch Bearer Provider’. ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their ‘followers’ are trying their best to create a scenario where ‘family’ or legal heir becomes meaningless. When there is no family there will be no ‘Providers’.


There are also other ‘Providers’ which need to be detailed.


Wife of a tribal chief, is also a ‘Provider’ for the tribe, for the time of the tenure.


Wife of a head of state, is a ‘Provider’ for the people and residents of the country for the term of her husband’s office.


Wife of a leader of a Political party, is a ‘Provider’ for the people who have publicly (by deeds or words) disowned their ‘head of the state’.





To be Continued…


Part Twenty Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Animal Sacrifice

‘Scapegoat’-Animal Sacrifice



This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world. Part Nineteen discussed some more concepts related to our encounters with Djinns. The same continues in this current post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings 



People who still live when they are dead


There are some humans who still live consciously but in one of the astral plane (4th dimension) after their bodily death. They retain full memories which they had when they were living. They are able to communicate with people on the planet earth.


This needs to be listed.


Following people live consciously, retaining full memory, after their bodily death;


  • Every person who had a belief-when he was alive-that there is a ‘Master of the Universe/Universes’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’)

He gets maximum up to 2 ½ solar years of conscious duration of retaining full memory and an ability to communicate with those alive.


  • Every person who was a ‘member’ of Master’s Group of Spiritual Warriors when he was alive.

He gets ‘number of solar years’ as decided by the leader of the group. He will retain full worldly memory and selective ability to communicate with those ‘alive’, most probably with the ‘living members’ of the group. He attends their meetings and is required to perform ‘channeling’ and participate in ‘ethical legislation’.


  • Every person irrespective of the creed or belief in ‘Master’, who was working for the general uplift of humanity at the time of his bodily death and had an important unfinished task.

He gets ‘number of solar years’ as decided by the leader of the Master’s Group of Spiritual Warriors. He retains full memory and an ability to communicate with that person who will fulfill/complete the unfinished task.

The funny part is that sometimes (or mostly) the person who was working for the general uplift of humanity at the time of his death turns out to be an atheist. Since he has no belief in ‘life after death’ or ‘Master’, he remains mute, blind and deaf in the 4th dimension. The Group of Spiritual Warriors have to spend considerable time in curing him so that he could attend to his unfinished task.


  • Every person who sacrificed his life for the ‘cause’ specified by the ‘Master’

He gets number of ‘solar years’ of full earthly memory and consciousness in the following manner.

If he was below the age of 70 at the time of bodily death, the number of ‘solar years’ given to him would be

70-age when he died=Number of equivalent Solar years of conscious living with full memory in one of the 4th dimensional plane.

If he was above the age of 70 but below the age of 110 at the time of bodily death, the number of ‘Solar years’ given to him would be

110-age when he died= Number of equivalent Solar years of conscious living with full memory in one of the 4th dimensional plane.


For rest of the exceptional cases, not more than 29 and half years.


So how would we know that someone has sacrificed his life for the genuine ‘cause’ of the Master?

The only indication which I have found out is that the ‘Protector’ or ‘Provider’ of the living family see -those presumably dead-in their dreams or other exceptional circumstances and the person (thought to be dead) is extremely happy. Smiling.

One precaution is to make sure that the dream is not induced by deceptive technique of ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’, who love to impersonate dead people to relay false messages to those living on this planet earth.


BTW, wars are only to be started by the ‘Heads of the State’. All the rest are anarchies and man-slaughter.


So where do people who live after their bodily death reside in 4th dimensional world?


We have given a general term of 4th dimension but there are different planes of existence within the 4th dimension. They live in a plane of existence (4th dimension) just like we live here except there are


  • No commercial centers or shops
  • No hospitals
  • No universities
  • No plazas
  • No cell phones/laptops or other means of communication (they communicate verbally or through telepathy)
  • No human families

People live in communes. Sexual relationships are formed on co-operation and mutual understanding. There is no concept of monogamy. Up to individual how he prefers to live.


Interesting thing is that if we had differences with a person in earthy life, we will not see that person in 4th dimension, irrespective of the fact that both might end up ‘living’ after bodily death.


After sometime, the spirits living in 4th dimension are transferred to other higher levels of existence beyond 4th dimension. Our ‘Test’ end when we leave this planet earth, but learning continue in higher planes sans earthly memory. Earthy associations i.e. memories prohibit further progression in higher realms, where spirit moves on, shedding off its ‘clothes’. The more we progress, the more we keep on relinquishing pleasures based on living on planet earth.




Scapegoat (animals or vegetables)


‘Scapegoat’ is an animal or a vegetable, which agrees to take on curses placed on individuals, tribes and states (countries). They sacrifice their life, taking away the curse with them, which gets dispersed, mitigated or diluted in the 4th dimensional world or planes of existence.


‘Curse’, is a general term which includes, black magic, evil eye and general slings of misunderstanding thrown by humans (envious of our life or status) as well as ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’.


Please note that ‘scapegoat’ has a complete ability to ward off ‘curses’ placed by humans and Djinns (Draco and Reptilian Aliens), however, it has a limited ability to ward off a condition or a circumstance placed by the ‘Master’ himself, when he is ‘Testing’ us.


‘Scapegoat’ cannot de-hook a human who is already under the influence of ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Alien’, when they specifically ‘hook’ an individual. Procedure to de-hook would be written later on.


I have seen that people have an idea of “Scapegoat’, but they perform it haphazardly.


Now the procedure relating to ‘Scapegoat.


The sacrifice has to be made in the name of the ‘Master’.


In order to sacrifice an animal, the person who thinks that he is under the influence of a curse, should feed the animal. Place his hand (palm down) on the head of the animal to be sacrificed. And preferably slaughter the animal himself. The ‘death’ caused to the animal should be painless (as far as possible). Severing the nervous system at first blow which causes animal to feel less pain but in such a way that blood is completely eliminated/pumped out from the body of an animal. The meat should be given to those who are needy, but it should never be placed in an open to ‘rot’. A meat which is placed in the open becomes the ‘feed’ for ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and Other Djinns.


Following is the general list of the animals to be sacrificed and the days of the week.


Curse placed on Reputation, social status, problems with authorities, problems relating to or with Father or the Son, suspicion that someone might try to poison etc.

Male Goat or a male bird, which are aggressive. The day is Sunday for sacrifice.


Curse placed on Sleep, women of the home, relationships, sanity of mind.

Cow or Bull (White in color). The day is Monday for sacrifice.


Curse placed for disrupting connection with the ‘Master’, failure in education and misunderstandings with the elders of the family or tribe.

Lamb. The day is Thursday for sacrifice.


The above was general method in case of individuals. Now we come to the case of countries.


The countries are also cursed, or they are open to be cursed. The type of curse can be found out from the astrological chart of the country. Every country has one advantage which an individual do not have. The large population of a country is performing some kind of sacrifices at any given time and it also works better for that country.


There are few instances when a country prohibits specific kind of sacrifices and the country and general population suffers because of it.


For example I am citizen of Pakistan. From an astrological point of view, the birth charts of India and Pakistan are similar but with one difference. India is the mother, while countries carved out of it are children. The ‘Mars’ in Pakistan’s chart is weak. In such a case animal sacrifices should not be prohibited on the day of Tuesday. But it is happening for the long time in our country. The result would be that ‘mars’ symbolizes ‘Army’ as an institution and tolerance level of a country generally. These would be negatively affected.


From an Indian point of view which has the same chart. The states of Kerala, and coastal states have abundance of ‘hot spices’ (again Mars). The time these states keep on growing the ‘spices’, the India would stay united. Any problem, which federation of India has with its coastal states would directly affect its unity as a whole.


There are some countries and communities which value ‘life’ to such an extent that they abhor the idea of sacrificing animals for their personal need or gain. For those countries there is a method of mitigating curses via ‘Vegetables’. It could also be argued that ‘Vegetables’ do have life, but then it is the separate topic of discussion.


I have seen that people performing ‘vegetable sacrifice’ know the method but there are few things which need to be detailed.


First, the person who thinks that he has been cursed should ‘freshly pluck’ the vegetable/spices himself.


Secondly, the vegetable should be held in right hand and moved anti-clockwise over the head.


3 times, if you are not sure about the source of the curse.

5 times, if you can identify the culprit but think that the curse was mild in nature.

7 times, if you can identify the culprit and you have reason to believe that the curse was strong.


Thirdly, the sacrificed vegetable should be given to the needy so that they can cook and eat it.


There are methods to ward off curses placed by Humans and Djinns (Draco and Reptilian Aliens included) but there is no method to ward off curse placed by a ‘light being/Light bearer’ or the ‘messenger of the Master’. Better not meddle with them. As their curse runs in family and leads to destruction, infamy and oblivion.





To be Continued…


Part Twenty One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Grandma’s ghost. Source


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. Part Eighteen discussed the encounter with ‘Djinns’ in the dream world.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings




We had started discussing ‘specific encounters of Humans with Djinns and defenses available’. So far we have discussed


Energy sucking Human Vampires (Part 17) &     

Dream World (Part 18).


The remaining encounters in the order of discussion would be


Conversations with dead Spirits

Haunted houses and Mansions

Ghosts Sightings

Poltergeist phenomena

Demonic Possessions & Possessed

UFOs &

Alien Abductions


But I feel that few terms and concepts need to be understood before moving on. These terms and concepts are;



Human Spirit

Self-willed ‘Point of Time’ Self Replica


People who still live when they are dead

Scapegoat (animals or vegetables)

Double Bed



‘Half Humans and Half Reptilian Aliens’ beings

Master’s Group of Spiritual Warriors

December 2012

03:27 A.M




Human Spirit

Human Spirit, the divine spark is an immortal part of the mortal human body. The human spirit has no shape. Nobody has ever seen the ‘soul’. What we see are the clothes worn by the ‘spirit’. The Human spirit is the ‘I’ of an individual. Separated specifically from the divine along other spirits in time immemorial but in a dimension called ‘Eternal Now’. The spirits saw the ‘Master’ and when asked by the ‘Master’, who their ‘lord’ might be, all replied, “You”. This original recognition may be termed as the ‘first Oath’.




Self-willed ‘Point of Time’ Self Replica

A part of brain, Pineal body acting in conjunction with reservoirs of ectoplasm i.e. astral fluid of ‘astral body’, has an ability to create a distinct, independent, comprising all memories of the body up to that time i.e. ‘Point of Time’, a self-replica of ‘astral’. Once created, this body which is actually ‘us’ separates from us and can wander in time and space, unless and until a specific task was behind the intentional creation of ‘Self Replica’.


Most of the humans are not trained, hence they unconsciously create this ‘self-replica’, when they are extremely agitated, terrorized, or precisely at the time of death just moments before, the final demise.


Unintentionally created human astral’s ‘Self-Replica’, is the favorite food of ‘Draco and ‘Reptilian Aliens’. But sometimes they spare them and use them in deception techniques.


Intentional creation of ‘Self Replica’ of astral is also done by an expert Talisman or amulet maker. In our language i.e. Urdu, these ‘Self Replicas’ created by amulet makers are called ‘Muwakkals’. It is pertinent to mention that these ‘Muwakkals’ have to be destroyed once the specific task has been accomplished. If not done, these ‘Self Replicas’, remain in the family of the amulet maker and these ‘Replicas’ suck energy and cause mental diseases, paralysis, cancer and suicide in the family of the amulet maker or are the cause of ‘amulet maker’s death in deplorable conditions.


The Egyptian pyramids, originally constructed by Osiris, Isis and Horus were meant for sealing passages to the inner earth. These pyramids were later on used by Pharaohs for guarding wealth and mummies. Priests also used those pyramids for initiation rites. Trained priests were specially tortured in such a way that they ‘self-willed’ a monstrous vengeful ‘Self-Replica’, which acted as guardians of the tombs and the pyramids. Hence the basis of ‘curse’ of the pyramids and tombs.


There are other types of intentionally created ‘Self-Replica’ of human astral. In our language they are called ‘Hum-zaad’. It is erroneously thought that ‘Hum-zaad’ can move material objects. No, they have the same ability possessed by 4th dimensional beings who operate in 3rd dimensional world i.e., They whisper, assume shapes and of course can provide information even from the deep recesses of the earth.


‘Hum-zaad’, is created by selecting a lonely dimly lit place, placing a light object behind the head, and staring at the head part of the shadow projected in front. This shadow comes to life after few days. If you don’t like yourself, I assure you that you will not like your ‘Hum-zaad’ (‘Self-Replica’). Because it has the same personality, memory as you had at the time of its creation. These ‘Hum-zaads’ need to be freed before the death of the person who created it, otherwise the family of the person who created is going to suffer.


The victims of rape or murder always create unintentionally, at the time of extreme anguish or death. These ‘Self-Replica’-if not devoured by the Draco and Reptilian Aliens-are mostly confused as the ghosts or the true astral. The best advice is to disintegrate those ‘Self-Replica’, otherwise they will keep on haunting the place. Mindlessly repeating their final moments of death or torture and will terrorize those humans who watch them in action.





‘Death’ has been confused with ‘Pain’. Yes, it is pain but of leaving behind the ‘memories’.


Memories of the loved ones.


Those associations, shared memories of happiness, pain and glory. Love for our material possessions which we are leaving behind. But physical pain it is not.


If ‘birth’ is not the pain for a baby kid, albeit that of shock. Same is true for ‘death’. If we are not prepared, it would be a shock.


‘Pain’, is a body response to tell us that something somewhere is bothering our body. But if we somehow repeatedly ignore the messages. The body has another defense. It faints us or numbs it. The body contortions just before death are the muscular spasms and not of pain. Once a body realizes that death is inevitable, it starts numbing different parts of the body.


Those people, who die because of an extreme impact with some solid object. Or they die by falling from a high place. The moments before the impact. The human astral forcefully severs it from the body. There is no pain, if it is death, but comically human astral, which has been forcefully severed in that manner, observes all what is happening to his body and wonders. What is happening?


In 1992, I was telling my sister a method, in which within 10 seconds human blood is forced to the face part. Thus making it pretty. In a show off mode. I forced it and tried to do it in an ‘instant’. Suddenly I saw my sister running, agitated. I followed her. She rushed to our mother’s room and told her that something has happened to the brother. “Me?” How come. I am following her. I tried to tell them that I was ok. But they ignored me. They rushed to the room where I was demonstrating few moments ago. And I saw that my human body was laying on the floor, head struck against the wall and bruised. Suddenly I realized that my astral had followed my sister. I got into my body. Woke up and was feeling immense pain in the back of my head. I had accidently separated my ‘astral’ from my own body.


Human spirit is shapeless, what we see are the clothes worn by the ‘spirit’. Our flesh body is like a cloth of the ‘Spirit’, necessary to keep it kicking on this planet earth. Once the human ‘spirit’ departs from this 3rd dimensional world, it discards it ‘flesh cloth’. The astral severs its connection with the body. The next cloth of the human spirit in 4th dimensional world is ‘astral’.




To be Continued…


Part Twenty: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings



This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.


In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. Part Seventeen discussed the indirect encounter with ‘Djinns’ via ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’. The current post deals with situations in which humans encounter ‘Djinns’, in their dreams.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings




~Direct Human encounter with ‘Djinns’~


‘Dream world’ is the favorite hunting ground for ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’. They belong to the 4th dimension and our dream existence easily merges with theirs.


‘Humans’, generally consider dream world, to be place from where they receive guidance. That is what ‘Draco’, wants us to believe. We are almost defenseless and passive in our dream existence and are susceptible to suggestions and imprinting received from ‘malevolent entitles’, disguised as messages from the benign spirits.


Please remember that if ‘Master of the Universe’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’), wants us to receive guidance, he sends ‘light beings’ and people with good intentions in our ‘waking life’. On the contrary, the one (i.e. Draco) who wants to send messages in our dream world is not our friend.


I explained a bit regarding ‘Human’ encounter with ‘Djinns’ in a post ‘How to Control your dreams while dreaming’, however, current post would deal with this subject at length.


To recap our previous posts of this series.


This life is a ‘Test’.


Except ‘Humans’, all the intelligent life in this universe is 4th dimensional.


The general name for the sentient 4th dimensional beings is ‘Djinns’. But we also call them ‘aliens’, monsters, fairies, leprechauns, ghosts etc.


Our search for ‘aliens’ visiting the planet ‘Earth’, is futile as the ‘Djinns’ from other planets and galaxies are not allowed to enter the ‘Earth System’.


The most powerful ‘Djinns’, who have a special grudge against ‘Humans’, are called ‘Yosh’.


‘Yosh’, are also known as ‘Reptilian Aliens’, according to literature circulating on internet, thanks to ‘David Icke’, one of the best follower and friend of ‘Reptilian Aliens’.


‘Reptilian Aliens’ are neither ‘Reptilian’ nor they are ‘Aliens’.


The leader of the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ (‘Yosh’) is called ‘Draco’.


The ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, and their ‘followers’ are working on three pronged agenda to seduce and lead astray the humans.


The three pronged agenda of disrupting, distracting and draining the humans has been discussed in previous posts.


The dreams can be divided into 4 types


  • Dreams placed by ‘Brain’ itself
  • Dreams placed by ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’
  • Lucid Dreams
  • Astral Projections


Dreams placed by ‘Brain’ itself


When we sleep, our body rests vital organs and looks after general repair and maintenance. The brain rearranges the neural circuits and if it comes with some useful ‘information’ which needs to be addressed in our waking life, It projects ‘pictures’ and makes sure that these pictures are remembered by ‘us’.


The key to recognize ‘pictures’ sent by brain is that it always uses non-living objects.


Some of our dreams played by the brain are the result of our health. The brain wants us to take notice of some of the impending physical diseases. In that case the non-living objects would be colored.


Following color guidance is relevant.


Red= Fever, Muscles fatigue, Blood pressure, Irregular periods, menopause

Blue= Bones, Joints, structure of spinal chord

Green= Heart problems

Dark Green= Lung problems

Yellow= Liver problems and those related to digestive system

Orange= your health is good

Black= Irrelevant



If you repeatedly see the same object colored specifically, it is time to meet your ‘General Physician’.


The other symbols placed by our brain for our guidance would be the subject of another post not related to this series.




Dreams placed by ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’


If you happen to meet any person-whether living or dead, celebrity or a common, respected or not- there are more than 95% chances that the person is not real but a ‘being’ projected by ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, for their own purpose.


There are few exceptions.


If a person you met in dream, testifies next day that he remembers you meeting in dream then the contact was a real one and on ‘astral’ level.


So why do ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, deceive us into believing that we have met a particular person?


They know that information or messages received in ‘dream world’ are on subliminal level and they ingrain in the deep recesses of our mind, difficult to be shaken off. The messages thus received have an impact on our ‘waking life’.


As we know that ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ are adept in assuming shapes and whispers (telepathy). They also assume shapes in our dreams. The purpose is following;



  • Imprinting
  • Feeding wrong information
  • Undesirable Sexual habits



Imprinting happens when ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens; and their ‘followers’ want us to pitch against a particular person in future.


They will arrange the meeting with the ‘fake projected’ person in our dreams. The general setting of the dream would be according to the nature of relationship they want us to have with that person. If the intended relationship is to be of romantic nature. The setting in the dreams would be romantic.


These dream encounters have a specific purpose. Because when we meet this person in real life, we think that our meeting with this person is karmic or fated. Maybe twin Soul.


This is a deception. That person would always be an ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’. Please read Post number Seventeen to know more about this.


Feeding wrong information

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ use dreams to feed us with wrong information. The main purpose being to disrupt the connection with the ‘Master’ or to distract us from the real purpose of this life. For this they use so-called people from our real lives. Dead or alive.


Sometimes the ‘follower’, of ‘Draco’, gets into trouble waiting disciplinary action in real life. Draco, and Reptilian aliens try to get their own decision, or a mild punishment by influencing the person who has to make a decision, in his dream.


Undesirable Sexual habits

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, use dreams to enforce/instil undesirable habits in Humans which are of negative consequences for the individual as well as the human society.


Not all homosexuals are born that way. Some are converted by the ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’.


For example, an individual whose ‘guard’ and natural protection against ‘Draco’ is down, would be pitched against a willing female in his dreams. The time the individual would try to penetrate her. A ‘Reptilian Alien’ would penetrate that individual from behind, giving him pain but at the same time stimulating his ‘prostate gland’. When the individual withdraws from female, the reptilian alien withdraws. When he again penetrates the female, the ‘Reptilian Alien, again penetrates him from the behind. A time comes, that the individual associates coupling with a female with pain. He starts loathing normal sexual relationships and thinks about trying homosexual relationships.



We would have a general but limited protection from the evil doings of ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, if we specifically invoke Protection of the ‘Master’ before we go to sleep.


There are following ways to tackle ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ in our dream.


First make sure that you are meeting ‘Draco’ and his ‘followers’.


Look at the ground. It would be not in keeping with the general setting of the room or surroundings. I have generally observed that the ground is infested with cockroach or vermin.


Look at their feet. They would be different from their general body shape.


Move clock-wise or anti-clock wise. The setting on right, left and back would be different from the one projected in front of you.


The person projected in front of you would be most of the times not alone. A tall but silent person, most probably in the corner would be there. That tall person would be ‘reptilian alien’ busy in projection.


If you are satisfied that the setting is fake. Extend your arm towards the tall person, pointing with first finger and say;

“By the name and protection of ‘Master of this Universe’, I command you to go away”.

(Or similar to what you would say in your own language)


That’s it. Nothing more. ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ cannot stand the ‘name’ of the ‘Master’. They will vanish.


Few readers would say that it is difficult to remember all of this when you are in dream. Fine. You have read it, you will remember a little. Next time you wake up and remember a dream, read this post again. After few attempts you would be able to do it consciously in your dreams.


Those of faint heart, who dread their nightmares and want an easy route of general protection. Chew a piece of garlic or onion before you go to sleep. Do not rinse it. ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ are put off by the smell of garlic or onion.


But do we always meet, ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ in our dreams? What about ‘Other Djinns’? Please note that when other ‘Djinns’ want to meet you in your dream, they will appear in their original shape and would properly introduce themselves.



Lucid Dreams


‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their ‘followers’ detest a human who starts lucid dreaming. They feel danger from such an individual. They will try to interfere in the beginning but if given a suitable response as described above they will leave the individual.


We are most likely to meet ‘Other Djinns’ in our lucid dreams. We also meet ‘astral’ of other humans who at that time are sleeping. Rest of the time, the imagery and the scenes are created by the ‘mind/brain’ itself.



Astral Projections


Astral projection if done correctly, lands us directly in 3rd dimension i.e. our own. But invisible to the other human beings.


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ try to tackle ‘human’ when he is a beginner. They try to instil fear in that individual so that he stops doing conscious travelling. Once they fail, they stop bothering. The individuals, dead or alive we meet in our astral projections are either from our real life or the projections of our mind. We can also venture into 4th dimension and witness a scene in which ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ are trying to deceive an unsuspecting individual (in his sleep/dream) into making him to believe as if he is meeting the person who has been deceptively projected in front of him.


I would advise not to interfere in that case.



I have one rather funny incident related to dreams and protection. Once I returned from office and was tired. I decided to sleep till dinner time. I locked myself in a separate room (I thought I had) and slept and told my wife to wake me up by knocking at the door. By strange twist to the memory, the door was not locked. My wife came at appointed time and saw the door open. She touched me. I thought that I was safe but in 1/10 second I opened my eyes. In next another 1/10th second I realized that my personal space had been violated. In next 1/10 second I stood on my bed and in threatening gesture pointed my first finger with arm stretched at my wife. It happened so fast in ninja like style that my wife almost had a heart attack and then I realized that I was touched by a human and nobody else. It took me time to calm her down.


I know I had to pay price for disseminating such kind of information. I have paid it in past.


que sera, sera




To be Continued…


Part Nineteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings