Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Edward Cullen

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In the beginning we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. Part Sixteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining. In the present post we will discuss the situations in which ‘Humans’ encounter Djinns (aliens, demons, ghosts, monsters and other 4th dimensional beings).

Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Djinns, influence humans for good or bad (mostly for bad) by;


  • Whispers
  • Hooking
  • Giving an illusion of power and granting of wishes &
  • By operating through Followers

I would urge the readers to read all the previous posts for better comprehension of what is following, however, following points need to be reiterated ;

Except ‘Humans’, all the other intelligent life is 4th dimensional.

The name for the sentient 4th dimensional beings is ‘Djinns’. But we also call them ‘aliens’, monsters, fairies, leprechauns, ghosts etc.

Our search for ‘aliens’ visiting the planet ‘Earth’, is futile as the ‘Djinns’ from other planets and galaxies are not allowed to enter the ‘Earth System’.

The most powerful ‘Djinns’, who have a special grudge against ‘Humans’, are called ‘Yosh’.

‘Yosh’, are known as ‘Reptilian Aliens’, according to literature circulating on internet.

‘Reptilian Aliens’ are neither ‘Reptilian’ nor they are ‘Aliens’.

The leader of the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ (‘Yosh’) is called ‘Draco’.

The ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, and their ‘followers’ are working on three pronged agenda to seduce and lead astray the humans.


The three pronged agenda of disrupting, distracting and draining the humans has been discussed in previous posts.



‘Humans’, encounter Djinns indirectly or directly in following ways;

  • Energy Sucking Human Vampires
  • Dreams
  • Conversations with dead Spirits
  • Haunted houses and Mansions
  • Ghosts Sightings
  • Poltergeist phenomena
  • Demonic Possessions & Possessed
  • UFOs &
  • Alien Abductions

I would explain all of the above plus how to deal effectively with them.

Energy Sucking Human Vampires

~Indirect Human encounter with ‘Djinns’~

‘Vampires’ and ‘Vampirism’ is the current fad. Kids don’t know enough about their subjects but ‘Vampires’. Efforts are being made by the ‘followers’ of the ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’ to portray ‘Vampires’ and ‘Vampirism’ as romantic. A vampire is sometimes a handsome fellow who falls in love with a human girl. Vampires are afraid of light and garlic and stuff like that.

Far from the truth.

Out of all the species of ‘Djinns’, fairies (kind of benign Djinns) and Witches (the real ones), fall in love with humans. But it is still a rare occasion. Fairies (male and female) have married humans too. But that is not the subject of this whole series.

There are no ‘Vampires’ (‘Djinns’) who have teeth or suck blood. In some draconic rites humans drink blood of the virgins but ‘Djinns’ are interested in sucking energy.

For this purpose either they have to present at the occasion or they preferably ‘Hook’ an individual.

A person who has been hooked unintentionally and unknowingly gives off his energy to ‘Djinns’ (mostly Draco and his team) plus he is also used as a vessel to collect ‘energy’ from the humans who have not been ‘hooked’.

Humans which have been ‘hooked’, sooner or later turn into ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’.

So how do we identify ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’?

They could belong from any strata of life, status or health. They don’t have telltale physical characteristics. They are identified by the ‘impact’, they have on the other person.

If you have interaction with someone, phone call, messaging, meeting, arguments, conversations and after that particular interaction you are feeling;

  • Drained
  • Exhausted
  • Listless
  • That your goals and ambitions are useless
  • That you are a looser
  • Sleepy (unusual time)
  • Slight pain in legs or backbone or shoulders or root of nose or forehead
  • You need some stimulant to keep you active

You had an encounter with an ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’.

All of us have our ups and downs. When we are down, we make other people gloomy. When we are feeling happy, we make others happy. But ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’ almost all of the times makes you feel miserable, drained and exhausted. It is their impact. A constant energy draining.

‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’ come in different shapes. They might be our boss, spouse, a so-called friend, a kid, a neighbor. Any one.

So how to deal effectively with them?

Firstly we need to identify the person as ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire.

Secondly we can do any one or all of the following;

  • Avoid them
  • Ignore them
  • No resistance (emotionally or physically) offered
  • Helping them by unhooking them



An Energy Sucking Human Vampire would not let his victim free. They would cry, threaten, feel shocked (all phony expressions, not real one). But that is the best way. The interesting thing is that once you show your intentions of not backing off from severing the relationship, they would move to search for another victim as if you never existed. All of their claims of loving you, caring for you and not living without you would vanish into thin air.



If you cannot avoid them socially, ignore them. They will try their best to draw your attention but once they know that their efforts are futile, they will turn to another potential victim.



No resistance (physically or emotionally offered)


There are some relationships where you cannot avoid or ignore the ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’. The examples being

  • Boss
  • Committed relationship
  • Bully or a ruffian showing no intention to let you off
  • Someone bent upon hurting you ‘physically’

If you think that these people cannot be avoided or ignored, the best solution is to suddenly let down you defenses. Appear as if nothing is affecting you. Refuse to be internally intimidated. By strange coincidence they guess that person would not react. If you don’t react you are not giving off energy to be sucked by them. After few failures they will leave you and move on to next victim.



Unhooking the ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’


To unhook a person needs his willingness and cooperation. I have yet to come across ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’, who wanted to be helped by curing him. There might be some exceptions but I think I have to wait for that to happen. I would explain the ‘unhooking’ process at an appropriate place.


There are few things which need to be explained regarding ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’.


Love or intimate relationships (in context with ‘Energy Sucking Vampires’)


It is very difficult to break off a love (so-called) relationship with an ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’. The best we can do is to recognize him (or her, yes. Wherever I am using his, he or him you can substitute it with she or her) in the beginning. The ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampires’, in a relationship can be recognized by the following.

  • They have a history of broken or abusive relationships
  • They are not settled in most of the things
  • They study their potential victims in detail and pay attention to small things to make you feel special
  • They will try to aloof you from your usual emotional support system comprising of our parents, siblings, best friends etc.
  • They will try to map your every activity
  • They appear to be unusually nice in the beginning
  • They will tell you that you are his twin Soul etc.
  • They fake sacrifices in the beginning
  • Sometimes they demonstrate their affections by giving lavish gifts in the beginning (beyond their means)
  • They will try to hide their smart phones or email
  • They are not faithful
  • They will portray that the other person with whom they had lunch or conversation was just a harmless relationship.



Murders and Rapes


Nobody is allowed to take life of another human being except in self-defense or in the line of duty.

If we do it on individual basis it is called ‘self-defense’. The person in that case who decides whether his act is justified or not is the individual in danger.

If our ‘tribe’ is threatened then the person to decide to defend or not is the ‘tribe leader’ and nobody else.

If the ‘State’ is threatened then the person to decide to defend or not is the ‘Head of the State’ and nobody else.

A person in danger and on the verge of extinction releases ‘energy’ which is very intense. This energy is sucked by the person who was bent on murdering him. In most of the cases the ‘murderer’ is an ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’. Especially if the act was not self-defense or ‘in the line of the duty’.

The best way to deal is that if you are the person in danger and you have no proper defense via weapon or running away. Let your body become ‘lifeless’ or faint. In that case the body releases less energy and the ‘Energy Sucking Human Vampire’, whose main purpose is to feed on energy has no option but to leave his victim.

The above is also true in case of ‘Rapes’. The rapist thrives on the energy of ‘struggling’, agony, and helplessness of the victim. The shrieks of the victim give the ‘Vampire’ the necessary energy. As every male knows. If the partner is not into act. The act is not satisfying or pleasing.



To be Continued…


Part Eighteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen & Fifteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. The present post will discuss the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ technique of draining.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Starvation Technique of Reptilian Aliens to lead astray Humans and Djinns

~Causing depletion of energy so that Humans are drained of vital energy which might have been used in search for the truth~

Human body unintentionally releases energy (by product of any activity) into surroundings.

Three types of energies are released by the ‘Humans’.

  • Neutral
  • Positive &
  • Negative

Neutral energy is released when the human body is performing ‘essential survival functions’, except those functions which are prohibited, commanded or requiring permission of the Master of the Universe (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’)

Some examples of Neutral energy are those which are released by body while performing;

  • Circulatory System (including Heart pumping)
  • Those Neural Activities over which we don’t exercise conscious control
  • Involuntary respiration
  • Body Repair & Maintenance
  • Fighting against the germs and diseases
  • Eating
  • Digestion

Human body is efficient and prudent while releasing ‘Neutral Energy’. Micro-organisms living on or in the body of ‘Humans’ use part of ‘Neutral Energy’ as part of their sustenance.

‘Positive Energy’ is released by the Human body, when ‘Humans’ are engaged in an activity which ‘Master’ has commanded to perform or engage.

Some examples of ‘Positive Energy’ are those which are released by body while performing;

  • Praying to the ‘Master’
  • Reciting or thinking about the ‘attributes’ of the ‘Master’
  • Working, struggling, or defending the cause (outside normal living) favored by the ‘Master’
  • Being good to fellow humans out of no immediate gain
  • Permissible reproductive activities (sans perversion)
  • Fasting

The ‘Positive Energy’, released by the ‘Humans’ is the food and sustenance of those beings who may love or are by nature extremely loyal to the Humans.

Following beings/creatures are extremely loyal to the; Humans

  • ‘Light Bearers’
  • Horses (owned, trained and fed) &
  • Dogs (kept as pets)

‘Light Bearers’ are higher supernatural and benevolent. These light bearers are not ‘Djinns’ and take orders only from the ‘Master’.

It is pertinent to mention that above beings or creatures don’t like to share the ‘Positive Energy’ with others. So, if a ‘Human’ is releasing ‘positive energy’ at a place frequented by his pet dog, the light bearers would not visit that place.

‘Negative Energy’ is released by the Human body, when they are engaged in an activity which ‘Master’ has prohibited or if the act is not prohibited, the protection of the ‘Master’ against the ‘Draco’, has not been invoked.

Some examples of ‘Negative Energy’ are those which are released by body when we are;

  • Feeling jealous
  • Harboring a revenge out of malice
  • Constantly thinking or performing illegal/not allowed sexual activities
  • Thinking or acquiring those assets (tangible or intangible) which are not the result of honest efforts
  • Having fear
  • Having doubts
  • In extreme anger
  • Backbiting
  • Killing somebody (not in the line of duty)

The ‘Negative Energy’, released by the ‘Humans’ is the food and sustenance of ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, ‘their followers’, ‘Predators’, ‘Bacteria & Viruses- decomposing agents of the ‘Master’’, and other ‘Djinns’.

Of all the above, ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ cherish the ‘Negative Energy’ released by the humans.

They like it for two reasons; firstly it is the source of food and sustenance & secondly it is released when ‘humans’ are in a state not favored by the ‘Master’ or they are in a miserable condition.

‘Draco’ and his team needs to be at a place where this negative energy is released, since it is not always possible, they ‘hook’ an individual so that the energy released is harvested or collected for future use.

‘Humans’ have an inherent defense system against 4th dimensional beings having malice or mala fide intentions.

‘Humans’ cannot be ‘hooked’ unless and until they have granted a permission to ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers.

‘Draco’ and the ‘Master’ are at odd with each other. ‘Draco’ can have only have control over a ‘human’ if that human by his action shows that he has not ‘listened’ to the ‘Master’. By doing any act which has been prohibited equals as if that person has not listened.

Apart from the acts described above which release ‘Negative Energy’, following constitutes an explicit permission granted to the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’

  • By actively seeking favor and help of ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’
  • By maintaining and nurturing relationship with ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’
  • Not seeking protection and blessings/permission of the ‘Master of the Universe’ (‘Master’) before starting any activity.
  • Engaging in unlawful sexual activity
  • Lowering guards regarding exposing or cleaning ‘sensitive’ body parts.
  • Killing any human except in the line of ‘duty’ or self-defense.
  • Killing any living thing-which constitutes a food for a human-except seeking permission of the ‘Master’.
  • Constantly angry over a thing and not changing posture or drinking a glass of water.
  • Intoxication.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ hook, humans at the following points.

Human Male:

  • Genitals
  • Anus
  • Knee caps
  • Navel
  • Neck
  • Middle portion of Vertebrae
  • Lower portion of Vertebrae

Human Female:

All of the above and plus

  • Hairs on the head part
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Breasts
  • Belly
  • Lower Back (full)
  • Collar Bone

It must be noted that ‘alien abductions’ where aliens seem to be operating on humans are nothing else but hooking by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’.

They don’t stop at hooking but they push humans into situations where they are constantly releasing negative energies. Humans cannot release energy unless they have first intake of the energy. Constant pressure, makes the energy reservoirs depleted.

A tired and depleted ‘Human’ would barely survive the ‘mundane routine’. He would not have time, energy and inclination to concentrate on a fact that;

This life is a ‘Test’.

To be Continued…

Part Seventeen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. Part Fourteen discussed the ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction. The same continues in the present post.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Connecting distances while distancing itself with the immediate Vicinity

Artificial extension of our close circle

~Distraction: Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


The efficient working of a larger human group depends upon efficient working of its ‘social structure’. The social structures comprises of ‘minor social structures’.


Our ‘senses’ are attuned to deal with the immediate surroundings.

Human interest in the immediate surroundings and ‘soil’ is natural. It is somewhat akin to ‘territorial’ marking by the animals. We only let ‘people with whom we are familiar in our territory. If somehow strangers intrude in our territory, we try our best to know them or minimize their influence.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ are constantly working on the agenda of artificially increasing the ‘territory’ of humans. This artificial extension takes place in our ‘feeling’ world as well as our living ‘space’ via creation of mega-cities.

This artificial extension would serve ‘Four’ purposes for ‘Draco’ and his team.

Firstly, humans have a natural curiosity to question and know about strangers. If they are constantly thrown into contact with strangers and are not able to confront them, their natural curiosity would be dumbed down and their powers of observation would be less astute. An alert ‘human’ is a problem for ‘Draco’ and his team.

Secondly, humans have limited amount of energy to exude friendliness and care. If we extend it to a larger territory we would be dispersing and dissipating our energy, resulting in less energy for our immediate surroundings. If on average everybody cares less about his immediate surroundings, the cumulative effect would be general apathy towards all.

Thirdly, a large space easily creates ‘law and order’ problems. A village or town’s ruffian can easily be tracked and silenced through a social boycott, whereas, you can plan any subversive activity with sufficient impunity in a large city.

Fourthly, if it is a fashion to feign an interest with a ‘distance’, the people would be hypocrite in their dealings with other people.

‘Global Village’ is an obnoxious term and a distraction, forced upon humans by the ‘Corporations’ (‘followers’ of Draco) for the selling of their non-diverse commodities and ideas.

Note: I can list all the distractions from the pre-historic times but I am trying to make current distractions the focus of this ‘series’.

Information Technology

~Distraction: Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ have links and influence within the elite and the high gentry. The problem for them is to keep a tab on general public, which by the sheer size of its high number can sabotage any of their plan.

Most of the distractions come in a sugar coated poisonous pills. Information bombardment has been coated with the ‘Information Technology’.

It is a human habit to take in a limited information and process it by reflection to arrive at a conclusion. We see that ‘Humans’ have been thrown into a maze of information-mostly irrelevant- and are not given enough time to reflect upon them. Only ‘agenda’ items are given due publicity. The way ‘information’ appears in the search engine, is a plaything for ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’.

The record of Human information ‘trail’ is useful for Draco’ “Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ in two ways;

Firstly, it keeps a tab on the thinking of general public.

Secondly, the information is useful for ‘Corporations’ (‘followers’ of ‘Draco’) for targeting specific products at specific people.

The people are deprived with cunning practices, food and clean water, whereas, the devices intended for ‘distraction’ are becoming cheaper day by day.

A typical gathering is classified by a group of people who by incessant swiping of their cells phones are connecting with the distances but distancing themselves from those who are present right ‘Now’.



Pseudo-incest threats (physical intimacy)

~Distraction: Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


Do you have pets?

The animals or birds you love. I have ‘Yellow and Orange’.

You want to hold them, to caress them, to touch them, to kiss them


If touching your pets is not wrong, how would it be wrong to touch your own species out of love and fondness?

‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ are generally non emotional and detest any kind of touching. They want the same to be followed in ‘humans’ too. Avoiding human contact generally goes against the family and social structure.

They own all the news and print media and they highlight those cases where incest happens to such an extent that people become fearful of even close human relatives.

Most of the people whom I interviewed insisted that they were sexually molested as a child. On further probing it was found out that one night when they were sleeping they suddenly woke up and saw some one of close relationship in an ‘indecent posture’.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ have an ability to assume shapes specially when someone is between the phase of light sleep and wakefulness. The same has been happening for the past thousands of years.

I am not saying that ‘real incest’ does not happen. But it does not happen on a grand scale which we have been deliberately led to believe by the stories rampant on the media.




~Distraction: Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


The best form of government is a ‘consultative geniocracy’, debarring any person to govern who has a history of financial or moral turpitude.


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, favor democratic form of government. This kind of government system suits them where one person has only one vote, irrespective of his mental or spiritual development.

The voice of the ‘majority’, desperately depends upon the voice of their single representative which they have selected. It is said that ‘representatives’ are necessary for the legislation.

A ‘representative’ can easily be silenced, thus thwarting the purpose for which he was selected. The democratic system is such a sham that ‘decisions’ taken by the corporations and interested groups (the providers of finance for the elections) are purported to be made on behalf of the people.



~Distraction: Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, and their ‘followers’ have invested heavily in sports. It is a major distraction which occupies most of the time of the general public. ‘Draco’ and his team own print and digital media which has glamorized the sports.

All the major games and matches are ‘fixed’. Their outcomes are predetermined and happen according to the script. The best players are those who can ‘act’ realistically in a given situation. The players who secretly try to earn the money through ‘private betting’ are caught and punished.

“Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, earn profit from the sports via betting thus siphoning money and the time from the general public.



To be Continued…

Part Sixteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven Twelve & Thirteen discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. In the current post we will discuss ‘Reptilian Alien’s technique of distraction.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Distraction Technique of Reptilian Aliens to seduce Human and Djinns

~Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


As we discussed before, ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their followers work on three pronged agenda to seduce humans. Disruption technique is the most important as it attacks the fundamental connection between ‘Master of the Universe (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’) and the other sentient beings including ‘Humans’.

‘Distraction’ technique is used to create confusion regarding purpose of this temporary life in this universe.

This life is a ‘Test’, result of a challenge thrown by the ‘Draco’ to the ‘Master’. ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their followers would continuously test the faith of Humans and other Djinns, trying their best to seduce and lead them astray.




~Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


The sexual urges of ‘Humans’ are not seasonal. If we compare it to other beings, it seems that ‘Humans’ are sexually active all the time unless slowed down by the ravages of the old age.

This sexual proclivity is necessary because of three factors;

  • Incentive for procreation (pleasure thrown in)
  • Bonding between the partners
  • Long dependency period of the human child

The human males and female in an approved legal bonding were to show biological inclination for the ‘sexual act’ on the sight and suggestion of their partner.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’, use it in following way to create confusion.

Firstly, they stress that ‘sex’ is a biological need which cannot be delayed. And anything less than its satisfaction would create psychological problems for a person. They hide the fact that ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ in fact encourage a social and economic structure in which legal matrimonial partnerships are delayed unnecessarily.

Secondly, they stress that ‘satisfying’ a sexual need is not a big deal and serious partnerships are not necessary. They hide the fact that ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens, and their ‘followers’ have got explicit permission to ‘hook’ and drain those people who commit the ‘act’ outside the ‘legal approved bonding’.

Thirdly, working on the biological fact that humans are susceptible to the sight of their partners in order to induce them to the ‘act’, ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their followers create and encourage an environment which is sexually charged. The mind is so disturbed that a little provocation and opportunity is sufficient to commit the act outside the approved parameters.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ encourage an environment and pharmaceutical industry which can artificially give increased and sustained sexual urges and downplaying the medical advice that if someone is having low urges over the period of time it is an actual protection against the weakening of a fundamental lifesaving body part which cannot sustain increased blood pressure.



Money & Hoarding

~Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


Money is an artificial medium for;

  • Measuring
  • Standardizing
  • Exchanging &
  • Storing

Labor and Services (tangible and intangible), the product of our sweat.


In olden times, money itself was made of a material which was scarce, valuable or rare and backed by the promise of nothing but the sovereign.

If we want to use ‘money’ as measure of the ‘value’ of the things produced or services rendered we face a strange situation. The money in circulation (actual money multiplied by the time it gets exchanged in a unit of time) tends to equal the value of the wealth.

If we hoard money, the issuing authority has to ‘print’ more which might result in inflation.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their followers, encourage an environment in which super artificial money (those created by the banks and financial institutions) tends to get circulated. They undermine the sovereign part of the money creation by backing less wealth than the issuance. They also encourage an environment in which ‘money’ is created from the ‘money’.

Thus we get an economy which has an inherent nature to be exploitative, hoarding, and collapsing within a short period of time.

The general public gets obsessed with the ‘money’. The artificial economy ‘bubbles’ frighten the general public which likes to hoard money and assets for future use, forgetting the basic fact that value of anything may come to naught in the times of trouble.

People obsessed by the money, would have less time to think of a basic fact.

This life is a ‘Test’.




~Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


Once I was returning from the office (In past I was a slave too), my colleague (we were working on a same project) remarked. Sir, 20th century would be remembered as the one obsessed with the word ‘Career’. I partly agreed with him.

What is a modern ‘Career’?

It is a disease in which children are groomed from the time they open their eyes, to gear their learning, health, aspirations and relationships towards a life in which they will work slavishly for an artificial corporation or inflated meaningless motto, which would make sure that they will be subjected to such pressure that they will be drained of energy. They will be distracted to such an extent that at the end of their working life, they will ask the question.

“What was all the fuss about?”


‘Career’, is a major distraction used by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’. They glorify the life spent in chasing useless titles and illusion of having a ‘satisfied’ life. They create an illusion as if finding the right sort of vocation and a career was all what were humans born for.



Mass Production & the current fad

~Creating confusion regarding the ‘Purpose’~


Gone are the days, when people bought durable goods. ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ encourage an environment where all the people have an apparent freedom to buy sub-standard goods of a perishable nature. An environment where people look with disdain at someone who is not up with the fashion.

The result is that people buy same stuff after a short period of time albeit in a different packing. In order to continue on the spree of buying they need a career making sure that money is available to buy such stuff. Their ‘busy-ness’ takes all of their time and keeps them distracted.



To be Continued…

Part Fifteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Reptilian Alien exposed

Reptilian Alien exposed

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten, Eleven & Twelve discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. The same continues in the present post.

Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings



Aliens& UFOs

(~Attacking the Connection~)



Thanks to Hollywood, the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ (both are types of ‘Djinns’) and their ‘followers’ have brought us to the point that more and more people are believing in the possibility of ‘intelligent life’ apart from us in this universe.

Keeping n view the predatory nature of ‘humans’, do not expect that the ‘visitors’-if any- would have any good feelings for the humans.

I am sorry to frighten you.

As discussed in previous posts, humans are the only third dimensional sentient beings in this universe. The rest of the universe including this planet ‘Earth’ is teeming with fourth dimensional sentient beings called ‘Djinns’. Humans are spiritually and scientifically advanced than the ‘Djinns’.

Reptilian Aliens (‘Djinns’) are neither reptilians nor they are aliens.

Djinns have an edge over the humans because they can:

  • Whisper
  • Assume shapes and
  • Project an illusion of granting wishes.

Why so much craze with the possibility or not of life in this universe?

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, and their ‘followers’, want to make ‘Aliens’ a hot topic because it;

  • Damages the special status of ‘Humans’ in this ‘Universe’ &
  • Sheds doubt on special status of ‘Messengers’ and ‘Messages’ sent from the ‘Master of the Universe’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’), for the ‘Humans beings’

If we are made to believe that there are aliens anxious to visit humans then it disrupts his connection with the ‘Master’ as it shows as if ‘Human’ are not special. Once we negate our special status, the task of ‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their followers becomes easier of further dragging us down the lane.

A large deception is at work.

‘Djinns’ don’t need vehicles to travel across ‘galaxies’. All they need is an explicit permission which has not been given since 6th century A.D.

In order for ‘visitors’ to visit us, there needs to be a special vehicle able to travel large distances across the galaxy and the ‘Universe’.

Lately there are reports from different quarters of ‘Earth’ about Unidentified Flying Objects (‘UFO’)

If we discount the factor that some people may be distorting the facts in order to get their 15 minutes of fame, there are still large number of earnest seekers after truth who report accurately and truthfully.

I want ‘UFOlogists’ to specifically mark the area, where ‘UFO’ activity is rampant.

  • Primarily it is based around continents touching ‘Atlantic Ocean;
  • Secondly, it is over ‘Tibet’ and ‘Poles’
  • Thirdly it is close to ‘air bases’.

Are there UFO’s?


72,000 years ago, a special race of ‘Homo Sapiens’ called ‘Atlanteans’ were destroyed by the deluge. The deluge in their case was instant sinking of their whole continent due to mis-use of their energy sources which were giant crystals buried under the earth. Once their continent was sunk. The sea filled in the vacuum. Giant Tsunami swept over the entire earth. Only hand full of the humans survived. One group settled into the place which we now call ‘Egypt’.

The ‘Humans’ numbering over 7 billion are all descendants of ‘Atlanteans’.

Isis (Azizah or Azeeza meaning ‘my beloved’. It was a nick name), Osiris (O’Cyrus or ‘O’Syrus’) and Horus (Hyrus or Haris) represent the first settlers of the place which we now call Egypt. They brought with them the arts and sciences of ‘Atlantis’. For those who are interested, Old Persian and Old Hebrew were the languages spoken in ‘Atlantis’.

They built ‘Pyramids’ round about 71,800 years ago. The purpose of the ‘Pyramids’ was to permanently seal the ‘Earth passages’ which were connected with the ‘Hollow Earth’ thus blocking ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and ‘other Djinns’ from coming out of the Earth, at will.

The Atlanteans were the masters of ‘Anti-gravity’ which they used in their locomotion.

It is pertinent to mention that there are no ‘UFO’s’ purported to be travelling to earth from other parts of the ‘Universe’.

‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilians Aliens’ have got hold of the flying ships used by the ‘Atlanteans’ and they fool inhabitants of this planet as if these space ships come from the outer space.

‘Draco’ and Reptilian Aliens have been working on their diabolical plan from the 1940’s. Taking their cue from the cold war between Russia and America. They deliberately crashed two ‘Atlantean’ flying ships containing ‘biological robots’. One was crashed in the continent of America, whereas the other one was crashed in ‘Russia’.

The respective governments were intrigued.

They wanted to have an edge.

The ‘Reptilian Aliens’ made agreements with the respective agreements with the governments. They agreed to ‘transfer technology’ of making ‘Flying Ships’ in lieu of large underground constructions where the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ would supposedly undertake ‘experiments’. The experiments were none other than ‘Abductions’ of humans. The ‘Reptilians Aliens’ were required to provide list of all the humans abducted during the specific period.

The agreement has been violated by the ‘Reptilian Aliens’. They have abducted sizeable population of humans and have hooked them. Complete list has not been given to the government. Secondly, their so called ‘UFO’s’ have turned out to be super travelling flying ships but not the space ships which the governments were made to believe. Thirdly, they did not give them weapons of mass destruction to the governments. They have only given them advanced devices of ‘Telepathy’ and mind control.

Governments want to back off the whole arrangement but it has become difficult because the ‘Draco’ and ‘Reptilian Aliens’ have infiltrated the ‘Elite’.

‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their followers have abducted few humans and have made them believe under hypnosis that ‘Reptilian Aliens’ were in fact the ‘God’ of this planet and humans are nothing else but the descendants of ‘Reptilians Aliens’. The best example is the new faith of ‘Rael’ and ‘Raelians’.



To be Continued…

Part Fourteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

alien Djinn3

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten & Eleven discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. The same continues in the present post.

Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


Gods and Goddesses

(~Attacking the Connection~)

To start with,

all the faiths which have made ‘physical representations’ of lesser Gods and Goddesses in pictures and stones, were off shoots of major ‘Master’ inspired and guided religions.

All of them had ‘Monotheism’, as their primary faith with a change that there was a place for lesser Gods and Goddesses with their ‘physical representations’.

The ‘physical representations’ were made because the people thought that it would make it easier for them to pray to ‘Master of the Universe’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’).

The messengers sent on the orders and backing of the ‘Master’, repeatedly warned people not to make image of the ‘Master’ or people whom they held in high esteem.

There is a reason for prohibition of making ‘images’ of the ‘Master’ and his lesser forms.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ (type of Djinns) and their followers have their work of disrupting the connection between Humans, Other Djinns and the ‘Master’, made easier when ‘Humans’ want to worship and pray to the images of representations of the ‘Master’.



Draco and his team are adept in ‘Whispers’, ‘Assuming shapes’ and ‘Giving an illusion of granting wishes’.

They can and do assume the ‘shapes’ and ‘images’ of Gods and Goddesses when

  • We/Our Priests are alone
  • We are in a state between sleep and deep sleep &
  • We are dreaming

Human nature is strange. When we do a task repeatedly, it becomes the part of our nature and consciousness. We are especially susceptible to the teachings received when we are young.

Once, Draco and his followers assume the shape of the ‘lesser Gods and Goddesses’, they can threaten, approve, pat, feign love or give an illusion of granting a wish.

This specially happens with the practitioners of ‘Black Magic’. This also happens with religious people who have some status or say in their community. Sometimes it happens with common people too.

‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their followers have difficulty in assuming the shape of the ‘Master’. For the simple reason that ‘Humans’ have never made an image of the ‘Master’.

But once, they confuse us with assuming ‘shapes of lesser Gods’, in actual reality, in light sleep or in dreams. They disrupt the connection with a ‘sentient Being and the ‘Master’. Humans forget that ‘Master’ is the real deal and they start praying and asking for help to the ‘images’ of the ‘lesser Gods and Goddesses’.

If the practice is continued, the connection between ‘Sentient Beings’ and the ‘Master’ becomes rusty and the person is ripe for receiving ‘false teachings.

The above which holds good for ‘Gods and Goddesses’ also holds good for those people who were revered in past for their good deeds. If we have pictures and images of people whom we revere, Draco and his team would invariably ‘assume their shape’ in our dreams and give us a false message purporting to be made by the ‘person’, whom we held in high esteem.


(~Attacking the Connection~)

What is ‘Love’?

A feeling.

A feeling of being connected with someone in such a way that it consumes the very essence of the ‘Soul’.

And what ought to be our true ‘connection’?

And what is our natural ‘connection’?

The inherent and natural connection with the ‘Master’, which exists at the ‘soul’ level.

All other ‘connections’ are temporary, illusive and formed to fulfill a transient need.

But if we try to equate the temporary connections to be as important as the natural connection with the ‘Master’. Our basic connection with the ‘Master’ would be disrupted.

So, why is there so much stress on following types of ‘Love’?

  • Love for the homeland
  • Love for the humanity
  • Love for the beloved one
  • Love for the family

The above types of loves have been deliberately created and promoted by those individuals, groups and negative forces which had a specific agenda in mind.

How could they have moved ‘Humans’ to move or to act against their will and common sense unless and until they had created some special motive or a reason?

Writers, poets, Singers, Political leaders, Kings, patrons of arts, preachers speaking from their pulpits and media have been at work for centuries to bring the desired result.

Different feelings have been deliberately confused and distorted to create an artificial hype.

‘Love for the homeland’ is basically an ‘instinct of preservation’.


‘Love for Humanity’ is basically the feeling of ‘belonging to a ‘tribe’.

‘Love for our beloved one’ is actually feeling of ‘liking’ someone, coupled with memory of shared experiences and force of raging hormones.

‘Love for the family’ is basically ‘an instinct of survival’. To put it poetically. In our off springs we survive.

‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ (both are types of Djinns), and their ‘followers’ place special emphasis on the emotion of ‘love’. They actively try to encourage it. They try to make it a norm. To make it such an important ‘emotion’, that the person who feels less than a ‘love’ for someone he is interested in, feels as if he has failed.

If ‘Love’ is such a negative feeling than what is the positive side of a feeling?

Except their relationship with the ‘Master’, the humans are naturally endowed to ‘like’, and to revere.

‘Liking’ someone is an important requisite for ‘bonding’. Love is not.

We need social structure to raise family, to earn and to survive. If there is no bonding, the whole social structure would fall in a short time.

‘Liking’ is an important and useful emotion. It gives us necessary protection when the person or a thing in whom we were interested is removed due to some unforeseen circumstances. As said in above discussion, bonding is the ultimate requirement. A person who only ‘liked’ would again ‘bond’ easily. A person who requires nothing less than the love would destroy the initial bonding and would be failure in bonding next time.

Draco and his followers have encouraged the whole breed of writers and poets who have propagated the ‘necessity’ of love in human relationships.

‘Humans’ are confused. Some refuse to settle unless and until they are not in love with someone. Forgetting that the ‘Marriage is an institution’ and not ‘Temple of Love’. Marriage is necessary for procreation, preservation, survival and continuity of the human race.

The ‘Temple of Love’ is a Mosques, a Synagogues, a Church, and a Mandir, a place of Meditation and a quiet place and a brief moment of oneness with the ‘Master’. All these places emphasize our true connection with the ‘Master’. Our true Love.

When we forcefully or under the pressures of peers try to ‘feel’ and maintain ‘love’ for anything except the ‘Master’, we are bound to go through the phases of mental and spiritual ‘contraction’ and ‘expansion’. Believe me. It is pure agony. Since ‘love’ is supposed to be way more than the mere feeling of ‘liking’. We artificially try to inflate ourselves with love. This is the phase of ‘expansion’. When this balloon bursts we fall in the phase of ‘contraction’.

Draco and his followers have gone a step further. They have emphasized that ‘Souls’ were basically ‘Twin’. And those ‘Souls were separated at the time of creation. Now all of our life is in search of our elusive ‘Other self’ ‘Twin Self’ or ‘Twin Flame’. Actually the concept of ‘Twin Souls’ is the miss-reading of the ‘Myth’ of ‘Isis’ and ‘Osiris’. The Isis’s search was for the missing parts of ‘Osiris’. The search for the missing parts of ‘Osiris’ has been deliberately confused with the search for the ‘missing half’.

The ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ have an ability to see the course of future further into few days. They use a special technique of imprinting when we are asleep or dreaming. They try to assume the shape of the person with whom we are bound to meet in few days.

When we meet the person in real life, we feel as if our meeting was fated. ‘Draco’ and his ‘followers’ can deliberately pair us with a most negative person. And we are in agony. The Draco then hooks or has already hooked the individual and feasts on the harvested energy released due to frustrations or heightened emotions.

To be Continued…

Part Thirteen: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Djinns Aliens

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans. Part Ten discussed ‘Reptilian Alien’s’ technique of disruption. The same continues in the present post.  

Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings





‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens (both are ‘Djinns’) and their followers, want everyone to believe in ‘Reincarnation’.

Once the core concept of certain faiths, the ‘Reincarnation’ has lately become the fad of a ‘thinking’ Human.

‘Reincarnation’ can be defined as;

‘The life we are leading right now-irrespective of the fact whether it is good or bad- is the result of ‘Past Actions’ done by us in the previous life’.

The past actions done are called ‘Karma’. The word ‘Karma’ is the equivalent of English word ‘Deeds’.

The bare reading of the above shows that perhaps it is the most logical answer to the conditions we find on this planet. Some people think that it answers the complex question of why someone is leading a miserable life and why someone is leading a life of luxury and opulence.

The concept of ‘Reincarnation’, attacks the connection between the Human and the ‘Master of the Universe’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’) in two ways.

Firstly, it is not the accurate depiction of what happened at the time of creation. It instils doubts in our minds that perhaps the scriptures and the original teaching were tempered by the ‘Jealous Fathers (Priests) who wanted Humans to be deprived off the original truth. It also questions the integrity of those who were entrusted to guide the humanity meaning thereby that either they withheld the truth or they failed in their mission.

Secondly, if we believe that we have lot of lives, then it would bring a certain ‘lethargic’ or lazy attitude to our duties. We will be less aggressive and forceful to rectify the personal bad habits. We will be less disposed to over throw a ‘Despot’ ruler. We will be bound to suffer at the hands of tyrants, believing that whatever is happening is our Karma.

‘Master’, does not want us to relax. The poor might be poor, but the sheer size of their majority is the nightmare of those who want to oppress our lives.

A relaxed attitude to life makes us susceptible to the spiritual and mental attacks of ‘Draco, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their followers.

Let’s tackle it in another way.

Right now the population of ‘Earth is over 7 billion. If our current lives are the result of past lives and deeds then these 7 billion living souls must have been present at the start of human life on this planet.

I hear someone says that most of us have arrived from other planets.


It makes more complications. And if we all have arrived from the other planets. The concept of ‘Master’s Design’ takes a blow.

Some spiritualists have concluded that manmade religions have been designed to subjugate the ‘Humans’. The soul has all the knowledge and we can gain it directly by contacting our ‘Over Self’ or ‘Higher Self’. This throws us in further turmoil. The ‘Soul’ is the resident of higher dimensions and if we intent in to listing to the ‘urgings’ or so-called ‘wise sayings’ of our ‘Higher Self’, with whom we might be ‘communicating?

The ‘Whispers’ of the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’.

With all the telepathy and modern means of communication at their disposal and subliminal messaging sent though media.

We would be in trouble.






Lately, ‘Evolution’ has become the new religion in science.

It is one of the favorite ‘disruptive’ (attacking the connection between ‘Humans’/’Djinns’ and the ‘Master’) concepts used by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, and their ‘followers’.

The concept of ‘Evolution’ directly attacks the concepts of ‘Monotheism’, ‘Creation of Humans by the Master and the ‘Original Design’.

Let us consider.

If all the living beings have evolved then it effectively takes the part of ‘Intelligent Design’ out of creation.

‘Intelligent Design’ is nothing else but the active involvement of the ‘Master’, in creation of ‘Humans’ and other living beings on this planet ‘Earth’.

It has another purpose too.

It degrades the ‘Humans’, making them look like ‘evolved apes rather than ‘fallen angels’ (of course in a biblical sense).

The ‘Missing Link’ would remain ‘Missing’. Unless and until the ‘same’ is found, which I doubt, but in the meantime the proponents of evolution would have led astray the ‘Humanity’.

They say that the process of ‘evolution’ is subtle. It has happened over the millions of years.


I am waiting for the ‘cockroaches’ to evolve into something less frightening. And remember they have ‘wings’ too. What havoc they are going to wreak when they realize that the better way of moving is ‘flying’ rather than walking. That might be the end of the beautiful creatures which we secretly believe hail from the planet ‘Venus’.


‘Evolution’ and ‘Survival of the Fittest’, have become the moral percepts too. It has led some nations and races in the past to consider themselves superior, resulting in the exterminations and genocides.

Lord Bertrand Russell in his book ‘Marriage and Morals’ published in 1929, thinking on the same lines, proposed that ‘Eugenics’ might not be the bad idea for further development of the humans.

I am certain that someone in Germany at that time might have picked his idea.



To be Continued…

Part Twelve: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Female Djinn3

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special. Part Nine discussed how Reptilian Aliens seduce Humans.


Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


How we end up in Inviting Draco, Reptilian Aliens and Djinns in our lives?

The movies about ‘Vampires’ (a type of Djinn) have one grain of reality. A Vampire cannot venture into home unless and until he is invited or given explicit permission to enter. Same is the case with ‘Reptilian Aliens’ (the followers of ‘Draco’). They need an invitation to wreak havoc in our lives.

Following constitutes an invitation to Draco and his followers:

  • If we are not seeking protection and blessings/permission of the ‘Master of the Universe’ (‘Master’) before starting any activity.
  • If we engage in any activity, which is explicitly prohibited by the ‘Master’.
  • If we lower our guards regarding exposing or cleaning our ‘sensitive’ body parts.
  • If we kill any human except in the line of ‘duty’ or self-defense.
  • If we kill any living thing-which constitutes a food for a human-except seeking permission of the ‘Master’.
  • If we are constantly angry over a thing and don’t change our posture or drink a glass of water.
  • If we are intoxicated.
  • If we hold any doubts regarding direct connection between a human and ‘Master’.

Once allowed, ‘Reptilian Aliens’, work on three pronged agenda. They try to;

  • Disrupt
  • Distract &/or
  • Starve

Note: The below mentioned techniques are either used directly by the ‘Reptilian Aliens’ or by their Human or Djinn collaborators.



Disruption Technique of Reptilian Aliens to seduce Human and Other Djinns

~Attacking the Connection~

If Reptilian Aliens are able to sever the ‘connection’ between Humans, Other Djinns and the ‘Master of the Universe’, it would be their great success.

But it is impossible to ‘sever’ the connection due to the reason that the ‘connection ‘is inherent in ‘Soul’ and secondly by system default the brain is wired to always ask following question;

  • Who did this?
  • What is the cause?

The best ‘Reptilian Aliens’ can do is to ‘disrupt’ the connection.

The ‘Draco’ (leader of the Reptilian Aliens and leader of the rebels), has one great advantage over the ‘Humans’.

‘Draco’, was present at the time of creation of ‘Humans’. He is well aware of the system defaults of the ‘Humans’ and is using this knowledge to his advantage.



Monotheism is the concept that;

  • There is only one ‘Master’ of the Universe
  • The ‘Master’ does not need any sustenance
  • The ‘Master’ has neither a Son/daughter
  • Nor he is Son/daughter of any other thing &
  • No one is his equal


Contrary to what some Philosophers, Anthropologists and liberals want us to believe. The fact is, that the first ‘Humans’ were given the proper direction by a Prophet specially sent by the ‘Master’ with a ‘monotheistic’ message along with moral and social percepts consistent with the ‘developments’ prevailing at that time.

The first ‘Humans’ were Patriarchal in their social structure.

Before proceeding further, let me make one thing very clear. All the deviant tribes which we see scattered in Jungles/deserts, far from the civilized society, were banished by the ‘main stream’ Humans in the past because these ‘tribes’ refused to progress and insisted on black magic and their allegiance to the ‘Draco’.

The ‘Monotheism’ is attacked by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers’ by

  • Confusing the Theory &
  • Distorting the Practice

The ‘theory of Monotheism’ is generally attacked in the following manner;

  • If Humans and every living being is created by the ‘Master of the Universe’ who created the ‘Master’? This argument is stupid because ‘Master’ is also ‘Master of Eternity’ and there is no question of past and future in an eternity state. There is only ‘Eternal Now’ when someone resides in eternity.
  • The religions are man-made.
  • The religions were created by the power hungry Kings who wanted to subjugate their tribes in submission, telling them that Kings were actually shadow of the ‘Master’ and had permission of the ‘Master’ to rule
  • The religions are the result of a nasty partnership between Kings and Priests. One wants to rule the minds and purses while other wants to rule the hearts of the ‘common’ people
  • The religions are the result of a defective mind.
  • The religions are the matter of ignorant past.
  • The religions are the progressed form of ‘inherent’ fear of humans when they feared anything which they did not understand.
  • The concept of the ‘Master of the Universe’ is the progressed form of Human nature to look to an ‘outside’ help when in trouble.

The practice of Monotheism is generally attacked by the ‘Draco’, ‘Reptilian Aliens’ and their ‘followers ‘in the following manner;


  • ‘Master of the Universe’ does not need our praying.
  • It is very difficult to worship an entity which nobody has seen. Let’s make his ‘representation’ in a material form so that it’s easy to pray to him
  • There are intermediaries between ‘Master of the Universe’ and the ‘Humans’.
  • These intermediaries are very dear to the ‘Master of the Universe’ and by appeasing intermediaries we can appease the ‘Master’
  • We need proper elaborate rituals to appease the ‘Master’
  • These rituals are the knowledge of ‘Priests’ and we should only contact them rather than reading ourselves
  • There is no need to exercise brain regarding ‘Jurisprudence’ part of the religion.
  • The Priests are pedophile and material loving. Let’s not listen to them. Draco and his followers are expert in highlighting those priests who are bad, conveniently not discussing the large majority who are ‘Master’ fearing and good.
  • All religions breed wars, there has been more bloodshed in the name of ‘Master’. The Draco and his followers hide the fact that ‘Mongols’ were not shedding blood in the name of ‘Master’ and First two World Wars were not fought in the name of a religion.



To be Continued…

Part Eleven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Egyptian Djinn

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven & Eight discussed what makes Humans special.

Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings


It must be remembered that as far as strength of ‘Soul’ is concerned, all humans are born equal.

The apparent differences in status, circumstances, poverty or affluence-parts of a ‘Test’- are in place to help humans in creating a social structure where satisfaction of needs are dependent upon efficient cooperation.

We all are like actors in a stage play with a difference that as ‘actors’ are aware of the false persona they project; the humans have refused to realize that same parts are being played on this planet ‘earth’. A King is not superior to a beggar and an intellectual is not better than a peasant.


How do Draco, Reptilian Aliens and their followers ‘influence’ Humans and Other Djinns?


Influence is exerted in the following manner;


  • Whispers
  • Hooks
  • Giving an illusion of power and granting of wishes
  • Operating through Followers





‘Draco’, Reptilian Aliens and their followers have one of the great advantage over ‘Humans’.

An advantage of being ‘hidden’ and invisible.

They ‘whisper’.


When they do, it appears as the ‘thought’ we are having is perhaps our own and the conclusions we are making are result of our own thinking.

Djinns communicate ‘telepathically’ between themselves. But when they try it with humans, it becomes difficult to trace their origin to a foreign body.

Draco and his followers use ‘whispers’ to disrupt, distract or to drain the energy of the victim.

The more excited or hyper an individual is, the more difficult it would be for him to distinguish between whispers of ill intentions and his own thoughts.

There is a trick to recognize the whispers of Reptilian Aliens. Since they lack emotions and disdain Humans, their ‘whispers’ lack emotions. A person who is an expert in stilling his thoughts would easily recognize the ‘whispers’ when they occur and even retort back.

The technique of ‘whispers’ have been further improved by the ‘Reptilian Aliens’. Now they have started using the technique of ‘subliminal messages’ sent through media.

Television, movies, songs with fast music, books are preferable media for the transferring of ‘subliminal messages’.

I would advise readers of these posts to watch movie ‘They Live’ and read a book ‘Four Arguments for the elimination of Television’ (click to see the links)



Hooks and hooking is explained in Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Giving an illusion of power and granting of wishes

Every kind of magic, sorcery and witchcraft except ‘White Magic’ is the domain of Djiinns. The difference between White and Black magic is that in White magic we use the power of ‘Thought Forms’, Reptilian Aliens (who are not followers of ‘Draco’), and ‘Light bearers’, whereas in Black magic, Reptilian Aliens (followers of Draco) appear in disguise to give an illusion of fulfilling of the wishes.

It is a trap.

A white magician, collects the energy from the Universe and transfers it to a person. Mostly it is for healing purposes or empowering that person to manifest his own miracles.

Black Magic, is the ultimate destruction of the person who is adept in it or the one who is hiring the services of a black magician. The ‘Draco’ and his followers cannot grant tangible wishes with the lasting effects, hence they deceive, create an illusion but in return they have the power over the individual who is using their services and they make the life hell.

Operating through Followers

Draco’s followers are mostly men in power or a position where they can influence the people through their pronouncements, judgments, orders or thoughts. Their basic function is to act- suspecting or unsuspecting-as vessels of ‘Draco’.

They are bereft of any human emotions.

‘Reptilian Aliens’ sometimes place a ‘Clone’ of a person who has achieved some kind of distinction.

Famous writers, singers and preachers are also targets of Draco.

Fame and wealth is not a boon. It has a price, which a person owning it has to pay by taking extreme care of himself and suspicious of motives of people appearing as friends.

There is one common element to recognize if a person of some repute is a follower of ‘Draco’ or not.

If a person is a ‘Psychopath’ or a ‘Narcissist’, there is a high chance of diabolical influences in place.

These followers use their influence to seduce, lead astray, coerce or force people into actions detrimental to the social structure.

Be wary of the writers who have received some inspirations. Not all inspirations are revelations.

To be Continued…

Part Ten: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Eight: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

female Djinn

This post is part of a series which discusses the nature and truth about Djinns (Jinnat), the supernatural beings. ‘Djinns’ (Jinnat), is a broad category. Part one should be studied to know about the possible types of Djinns.

In previous posts we discussed that in order to understand ‘Djinns’, we need to understand three terms. These terms have been explained in Part One & Two. Part Three discussed the dwellings of the Djinns. Part Four discussed the Food of the Djinns. Part Five discussed the social structure and general things. Part Six discussed the strongest type of Djinns, called Reptilian Aliens. Part Seven discussed what makes Humans special.

Part One: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Two: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Three: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Four: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Five: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Six: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

Part Seven: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings

The concepts of Perception, Attributes and Intimacy level become relevant, when we realize that the entire ‘Universe’ is nothing but the extension of attributes of ‘Master of the Universe’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’).

Galaxies, atoms, humans, insects, Djinns; think of anything whether it is animate or inanimate is an extension of the attributes of the ‘Master’.

The attributes of the ‘Master’ are infinite. Some of his well-known attributes are;

  • Creator
  • Omnipotent
  • Omniscient
  • Magnificent
  • Sustainer
  • Beautiful &
  • Justified Anger

We become conscious of the attributes of the ‘Master’, through a faculty bestowed to us which is inherent in our soul.

It must be remembered that inanimate objects also have a soul.

The more layers a soul has, the more knowledge of the ‘attributes’ of the ‘Master’ that particular object or being has.

Every layer of the ‘Soul’ has a reflective surface. This surface is in direct contact with the attributes of the ‘Master’ relevant to the particular layer of the soul.

If the ‘connection’ between the reflecting surface and the ‘Master’ is somehow disturbed, that particular object or being would have difficulty in recognizing that there is a ‘Master’.

The attributes of the ‘Master’ can be divided into 3 categories.

  • Instinctive attributes of the ‘Master
  • Core attributes of the ‘Master’ &
  • Spiritual attributes of the ‘Master

Instinctive attributes of the ‘Master’, operate at the very basic level of the existence of an object or a being. These attributes endow that object or a being with an instinctive knowledge to ‘maintain’ its solidity & existence.

The knowledge of how to build and maintain an ‘ant colony’ is the instinctive knowledge of the ants.

That the formula of water is ‘H2O’, and its molecular structure is the instinctive knowledge of the thing which we know as ‘Water’.

Core attributes of the ‘Master’, operate at the individual level of the existence of an object or a being. These attributes endow that object or being, to think, to theorize and to transcend beyond the ‘instinctive’ knowledge.

Maneuvers of Dolphin, mimicry of Parrots, loyalty of a Horse and apprenticeship of a student are some of the examples of the knowledge of ‘Core attributes of the Master’.

‘Spiritual attributes of the Master’, operate by conscious negating of the ‘self’ (the ‘I’ of an individual) and becoming one with the ‘Master’. These attributes endow that object or a being to become an ‘assistant’ of and ‘co-creator’ with the ‘Master’.

Miracles-not tricks or sleight of hand- performed by an individual, defying the common laws of the ‘Master’, are examples of ‘Spiritual attributes of the Master’.

An example of a human using ‘Spiritual attributes of the Master’ is wonderfully explained by the poet Muhammad Iqbal in his poem ‘The Mosque of Cordoba’. For readers who are interested, please see here.

I would write down few selected verses form ‘The Mosque of Cordoba’

Hath Hai ALLAH Ka Banda-E-Momin Ka Hath

Ghalib-O-Kaar Afreen, Kaar Kusha, Kaar Saaz

(The might of the man of faith is the might of the Almighty:

Dominant, creative, resourceful, consummate.)

Khaki-O-Noori Nihad, Banda-E-Mola Sifat

Har Do Jahan Se Ghani Iss Ka Dil-E-Beniaz

(He is terrestrial with celestial aspect; A being with the qualities of the Creator.

His contented self has no demands on this world or the other.)

Nukta’ay Parkar-E-Haq, Mard-E-Khuda Ka Yaqeen

Aur Ye Alam Tamam Weham-O-Tilism-O-Majaz

(In the celestial order of the macrocosm, His immutable faith is the centre of the Divine Compass.

All else: illusion, sorcery, fallacy.)

I am sorry for burdening you with boring explanation and terms. But these are necessary to know how ‘Reptilian Aliens’ seduce and lead astray ‘Human Beings’ and other ‘Djinns’.

In order for the ‘Leader of the Reptilian Aliens’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Draco’) to seduce Humans and other Djinns, a standard ‘Modus Operandi’ is being used.

Nobody can sever the connection between the Object or a being with the ‘Master’, however, this connection can be disturbed and polluted.

The ‘Humans’ are three layered Souled. The third part of the soul gets direct nourishment (light) from the master of the Divine. Now, in order to estrange a human from a divine. One has to block this feed. In order to block this feed. The concept of Monotheism has to be attacked.

This is not an easy task. Humans have a natural protection against any kind of Djinn, be it ‘Reptilian or other entities. In order to weaken this protection one has to instill doubts in the mind. Once doubts are instilled, Djinns, need to infiltrate the human existence and aura. This happens when ‘Humans’ invite ‘Reptilian Aliens’ unknowingly or willingly into their lives.

To be Continued…

Part Nine: Djinns, the truth about supernatural beings